
GTO or Charger SRT8 faster than a chevelle?

by Guest66952  |  earlier

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I have a 1968 cutlass (basically the same as a chevelle) with 3.08 gears. I am thinking about maybe going to a new car or another old car and I want to spend around $15,000. What is faster than my car that would beat a new mach 1? Maybe a 2005-2006 GTO? Or possibly a sleeper BUT NO RICERS!!! Thanks.




  1. gto's are fast *** h**l and will blow a charger out the water, gto's never got the respect it deserve cause of its look, the STR8 just look more beefer

  2. '68 cutlass is not anywhere near the same as a chevelle. I had a 66 ss 396 and never was beat by a gtslow or a charger.

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