

by Guest73  |  earlier

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i got a new guinea pig and the older one wont let the younger one anywhere without it being attacked i introduced them properly they where in seperate cages for two weeks i let them out for free time together once - twice a day cleaned the bigger cage for them to stay in there are three houses the cage is big enough for 5 guinea pigs and there are only two it is a C&C cage




  1. I have had three guinea pigs, one guinea pig has always been picked on when I introduced him to his new family. The oldest male was rumble strutting and gurgling and even nipping at him. I got really frustrated and thought about taking the new pig back. Dont do this! This is perfectly normal! Let them sort things out! If the fighting gets intense separate them for a while and then try again, they will eventually sort things out, just like mine did! It turns out the new pig was very submissive and shy so he was not the dominant guinea pig of his pack, don't give up guinea pigs are just like humans, one might think they are the boss, one might be shy and unwilling. Give them time! :) Make sure to give them things to hide under if they are scared.

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