
GUINEA PIG! Please Help!!!?

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I had my guinea pig out this morning and my mom gave her a carrot. I hadn't put fresh food in their bowl yet, I just woke up. My guinea pig (Squeak) put her lips around the carrot, but didn't bite it. My mom figured she wasn't hungry.

I didn't believe that because she hadn't eaten yet and she's my FATTEST guinea pig and loves to eat. I gave her some lettuce, which is her favourite treat! she AlwayS eats that! but she did the same thing she did w/ the carrot and then nibbled a little off. She was eating fine yesterday.

I knew something was wrong, so I gently turned my pig over, and opened her mouth. Her upper front tooth was missing.

Since this morning, I have fed her mushed up banana, finely grated carrot, and small orange pieces. (and yes, she did eat them). And I put Vit C drops in her water. She also can still eat her poo. She can not eat her regular food, ( hard guinea pig pellets with added vitiman C)

It doesn't seem to hurt, she's not crying or acting weird. She just seems a little...confused... and she was purring A LOT today when I was holding her...

Anyways, their teeth and nails grow continuously, so will her tooth grow back? and if it grows back, will her front teeth be even, or crooked?

Any tips? For care and stuff? What should I do?

DO NOT say "go to a vet! your guinea pig needs dental care and if she does not then...blah, blah, blah". My parents won't take her to a vet, it's too expensive and they only did when she is very sick. don't even say, "I kno u said ur parents won't take her to the vet, but you really should, because...." or anything like that. got it? good.

Now, what should I do???




  1. Nicole, I talked with my sister who is a Vet here in DE, she said that the tooth should grow back. The teeth will eventually even out and things should be okay. Do you know how the tooth was broken? She believes the point of pain is over for your pig as the tooth has already started to heal. Suggestions for feeding were to continue with a soft diet for a couple of days, then break up her pellets into smaller pieces and try them on her. She'll let you know when she's ready.

    Good luck!

  2. Sounds to me like you're doing the best for Squeak. Just keep doing what you're doing and check her teeth daily. Yes, her tooth will grow back. It'll just take some time. As far as it coming in crooked, I don't think so. Just give her lots of love and attention. And keep doing what you're doing. Your love is what she needs the most, to keep her upbeat.

  3. Yea its tooth will grow back also they will even out over time, because it will wear the other one down.

  4. Obviously you need to make sure your guinea pig is getting enough food - and the right foods.

    Mashing up veggies is a good way to do this, but make sure you are still giving them in appropriate amounts. You can also make mash with the pellets, just soak them in water.

    Vit C drops in water DO NOT WORK!!!

    Vit C is degraded by light and contact with metals. A water bottle is clear plastic with a metal spout. The vitamin C is broken down and useless before your piggie can benefit from it.

    You can also buy Oxbow Critical Care - which is specifically designed for small herbivores that are not eating, as well as vit C tablets which can be crushed and added to food.

    Now please read this very carefully.... TAKE THE PIG TO THE VET NOW!!!!

    Even with the handfeeding there are two problems:

    1) It is highly likely your guinea pig is in a lot of pain. Just because she can not / will not show this you in a way you understand does not mean she isn't suffering! Leaving an animal in pain without vet care is ABUSE!

    2) Teeth. As you will know, guinea pigs teeth grow continuously. They are worn down by rubbing together when the animal eats. If they are not worn down in this way they will continue to grow - right up into the guinea pigs mouth, causing serious injury, pain, and infection.

    As your guinea pig is missing a tooth, the bottom tooth opposite the missing one has no way to be worn down. This tooth will therefore continue to grow. (This is malocclusion, in this case caused by injury rather than genetics).

    Until your guinea pigs missing tooth is replaced, the tooth opposite will need to be trimmed regularly by a vet.

    Seriously - stop being a selfish child and get this animal the treatment it needs! If your parents refuse to get her treated find someone who will or surrender her to a guinea pig rescue. There is NO excuse for allowing this animal to suffer!

  5. Sounds like you are diong a great job in taking care of her. Keep it up and she will be fine. nature always has a way of repairing itself

  6. "TAKE HER TO THE d**n VET!!!!!!!!! Why did you get a gp if your parents werent gonna take it to the vet when it needs proper care. She will probably die because she is not eating and she will starve herself to death. Obviously you do not care about your gp and you should give ALL your gp to a proper home where they will not suffer. Yes, she is suffering because shes starving and cannot eat because you will not take her to the vet. Shame on you."

    Oi, you. Shut it. She said dont say it, so just dont, okay? her guinea pig doesnt need to go to the vet. She has other teeth to eat. A humans tooth falls out and we arent starving and almost dead.

    It'll grow back soon, just for now give her soft foods. :)

  7. its tooth will grow back quicly dont worry!!! And normally they grow just like the last one!.Keep an eye open though, only they might need clipping,although it is unlikely!!! xx

  8. Ha. I remember having this same problem a couple of years ago. I didn't bring the Guinea Pig to the vet. I just watched the teeth grow back in a matter of days. I didn't change his diet at all, he just started chewing with his molars and it was all fine and dandy! If your guinea pig isn't even trying to eat the solid foods, mush it up for her, it might make it easier on her.

  9. TAKE HER TO THE d**n VET!!!!!!!!! Why did you get a gp if your parents werent gonna take it to the vet when it needs proper care. She will probably die because she is not eating and she will starve herself to death. Obviously you do not care about your gp and you should give ALL your gp to a proper home where they will not suffer. Yes, she is suffering because shes starving and cannot eat because you will not take her to the vet. Shame on you.

  10. crush the pellets you are doing great by the way the smashed food is perfect but she still needs protiens so try to get her to eat the ground pellet mixed with the mased food if you have a food proceeser ask mom to grind 1/4 banana with 2 table spoons food and feed in small amounts 4-5 x aday how much to make at atime is up to her shold keep in fridge 1 day let warm a bit first

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