
GUINEA Pig Problem!!?

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I had my guinea pig out this morning and my mom gave her a carrot. I hadn't put fresh food in their bowl yet, I just woke up. My guinea pig (Squeak) put her lips around the carrot, but didn't bite it. My mom figured she wasn't hungry.

I didn't believe that because she hadn't eaten yet and she's my FATTEST guinea pig and loves to eat. I gave her some lettuce, which is her favourite treat! she AlwayS eats that! but she did the same thing she did w/ the carrot and then nibbled a little off. She was eating fine yesterday.

I knew something was wrong, so I gently turned my pig over, and opened her mouth. Her upper front tooth was missing.

Since this morning, I have fed her mushed up banana, finely grated carrot, and small orange pieces. (and yes, she did eat them). And I put Vit C drops in her water. She also can still eat her poo. She can not eat her regular food, ( hard guinea pig pellets with added vitiman C)

It doesn't seem to hurt, she's not crying or acting weird. She just seems a little...confused... and she was purring A LOT today when I was holding her...

Anyways, their teeth and nails grow continuously, so will her tooth grow back? and if it grows back, will her front teeth be even, or crooked?

Any tips? For care and stuff? What should I do?

DO NOT say "go to a vet! your guinea pig needs dental care and if she does not then...blah, blah, blah". My parents won't take her to a vet, it's too expensive and they only did when she is very sick. don't even say, "I kno u said ur parents won't take her to the vet, but you really should, because...." or anything like that. got it? good.

Now, what should I do???




  1. Her tooth will grow back.  Her teeth won't be even but its nothing to worry about.  My hamster did the same thing and recovered pretty fast.  Once the tooth grows in just enough she'll be able to eat her pellets again.  She won't really need any special care.  I would just let her rest since she is probably a bit uncomfortable.  Keep doing what you're doing until then.  Don't go too crazy on the fruit - you don't want her to get too fat haha.

  2. make sure that there isn't anything distracting her,  and sometimes you need to pet them while they eat or else they feel akward  like theres something wrong.  dont listen to the person above me, obviously they have no expierience with guinea pigs, they love carrots

  3. My first guinea-pig did something to its teeth and she was fine after a while.

    My current guinea-pig does what you described with the carrot but that's because I don't think he likes carrot that much.

    If it doesn't continue to eat its food then it's probably a good idea to go to a vet otherwise it might get low on vitamin C or starve.

  4. weell

    dont u put fresh food in every day

    u r surposed to put fresh food in every day

    and they dont realy eat carrots so jsu t stick to guinie pigs food ok

    if she  dosent look well  uwill have to take her to the VETS  cause if u  dont she will die jsu tget her checked out jsu tdo uit  

  5. TAKE HER TO THE d**n VET!!!!!!!!! Why did you get a gp if your parents werent gonna take it to the vet when it needs proper care. She will probably die because she is not eating and she will starve herself to death. Obviously you do not care about your gp and you should give ALL your gp to a proper home where they will not suffer. Yes, she is suffering because shes starving and cannot eat because you will not take her to the vet. Shame on you.

    TAKE HER TO THE VET........................................

    No you do not love her because if you did, you would take her to the vet and get her checked out. Why did you get her if you cannot aford to take her to the vet?? HUH??? Answer me that!!
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