
GUINNESS BEER 250th Year Celebration in 2009?

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Anyone in Dublin Ireland has to help me contact the GUINNESS Factory to discuss the possibilities of a 250 YEAR celebration in 2009. As of now nothing is being done, and if there is ever anything...I have to know. GUINNESS is my beer and U2 is my band.....DUBLIN 2009.




  1. The Guinness Brewery

    St James's Gate

    Dublin 8


    Tel: 01 453 6700

    I assume there will be plenty of celebrations, and I very much doubt nothing is being done just that nothing has yet been publicised. Guiness is part of a huge company so I doubt they'll be doing too much discussing but good luck if you want to try influencing the corporate mind.

    The Storehouse which is the brewery visitor centre/museum/eventspace ran a fringe festival in March this year and intend to repeat that so that will probably be part of it.

    You could always ask them directly at

  2. That would make a lovely Saint Patties day celebration. Why not combine the together and everyone just ge totally smashed.

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