
GUYS ANSWER PLEASE!! He broke up with me...but still wants things to be the same?

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we have been together for 8 months. the first 4 were non-exclusive which was because thats how i wanted it. He pushed for the relationship so i gave in..he told me he loved me first and wnated to spend every second of the day with me. HE pushed it the way we were. and we were GREAT, we were really really REALLY happy and he say STILL that he was. But he broke up with me last week because lately our scheduales have been really messed up. we were only seeing each other on tuesdays from like 4 pm until the next morning when he had to go to work. he said he loves me so much and i mean the world to him..but he doesn't think this is going anywhere. and it's too stressful. well he STILL wants to see me on everyone of those tuesdays and he still wants to do all the cutsie things that make me so in love with him and he still wants everything the same but he says he SWEARS on his life and his moms (and he has never lied about ANYTHING to me..even small little nonmeaningful lies) he swore that he isn't seening anyone...and that if during what the h**l ever this is he promises he will tell me if he does start seeing someone. and made me promise to do the question. WHAT THE h**l IS GOING ON IN HIS HEAD??? someone please tell me because im losing my mind here. i don't get it. is the seriousness of our relationship finally catching up to him and he is running from the title but he realizes how happy he was so he doesn't wanna lose it? just dull down the "seriousness" of it by losing the titles? i don't get it. only serious answers please. i don't want to know what to do or how to react...i just want an idea of what is going on in his head. what he is thinking because either lying to me in a BIG way which i haven't dismissed the possibility or he is super confused because he is really really contradicting himself.




  1. Without the title/commitment he is free to date other people. He is just keeping you around until he finds someone else. You don't break up with someone you really love because of a "schedule conflict". Its a lame excuse.

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