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Ok, so i'm 21 years old and my longest relationship has been 4 months. Pathetic i jokes about this please, this whole thing has really lowered my confidence a whole lot and really depresses me. I love it when I have a's the best feeling ever. Having a boyfriend seems to be when I am most happy. But it also seemsto be the reason we break up always leads back to me being so shy. I mean, I'm so shy even around my best friend and some people that I've known forever. Why is this?? No matter how hard I try-especially with a guy I like or am dating-I never talk. I know this frustrates a lot of people I know, but I just can't help it. I just wanted to know guys, Do you even like shy girls to begin with? Are there any real qualities that attract you to a girl?




  1. I am a shy girl and a nice shy guy will meet you.  Avoid bars.  My son is 24 and single and kind of shy.  Meet through family and church.  That is how I met my husband

  2. d**n my longest relationship was 2 weeks

  3. I actually like shy girls.  Its a characteristic that I find cute/attractive.

    I tend to be somewhat shy at first myself, but will quickly warm to people I click with.  My problem is actually just mainly that I suck at small talk - its kind of awkward.

    I like a girl who shares my tastes in things, or is at least willing to be open to try them out.  I like a girl with a sense of humor about the world, me, and herself.

    Its nothing to feel self-conscious about.  

  4. sometimes it's kinda cute, but if you never open up and become comfortable with a guy they my find it un attractive, the point is to be open and out there and be fun, guys really dig that in a girl.

  5. i have been in love for 3 years now and first of all there is nothin wrong with shy girls. My gf is a very shy girl its not at all unattractive so dont feel bad about it. People cant help the way they are Im quite shy myself at times. love will find you. I never had good luck with getting girls really or at least good ones ive been cheated on alot that sucks :( but if you dont find someone special they will eventually find you. Its all just part of your personality and you need someone to love you for you. My gf wont even call places on the phone she makes me do it lol.  So its okay to be shy but sometimes you may need to build up your confidence and maybe ask someone you like out. Im sure your a lovely girl. One day one lucky guy wont be able to get you to shut up lol. So just be yourself and every once in awhile take a chance. Most guys like a very femine girl, i guess it makes them feel more manly i guess. Or they like to feel that you need them it makes them feel important and irreplaceable we are not that confusing lol. We are actually to simple lol. But when you get someone to like you for you then your doing something i wish you the best of luck. and keep your head up nothings wrong with you. and guess what im 21 one to lol.

    i wish you the best of luck and i hope i have helped at least a little bit.

  6. Guys like all types of girls but confidence beats everything. You should work on your confidence and to stay/keep a healthy relationship you have to talk, communication is key once you're bf/gf.

  7. Thats never talk.We guys like it when our girlfriends is our most closest friend.Try to open yourself.An open forum wud do.

  8. they act cute and are fun to be around if a guy can't respect that then s***w him. you'll find someone better just hang out at coffee shops or other places (i'm shy myself but i do talk to people just think of things that are fun for you or things you like and start a topic. lots of luck eddy//

  9. shy = very very extremely well mannered in a way or so.

    those guy don't know how to treasure you.

    you're quite good.

    somehow cautious too yeah?

    try to open up a little.

    tell them at first you're quite shy so they would know what to do when you start getting shy.

    just buck up your courage and go all out.

    don't go mad obviously.

    ** don't find shy guys if you are very shy.**

    "" its gonna make things worse. imagine a vry shy couple. what would this relationship end to if both rarely talk much?""

    try to find a more open and not exactly shy guy to cover up your " shy-ness flaw"

    good luck!!

  10. need to realize that 75% of guys are as shy with girls as you are with guys. So no worries, okay? they're feeling the same way.

    Attractive qualities? intellect, charisma, and looks. A cute smile is a real turn on as well. Also, make sure that if you disagree. A girl who agrees with everything isn't half as s**y as a girl with opinions.

    Just're a s**y beast! you are a foxy lady to every guy near you! You just need to open your mouth more and they're caught, hook, line, and sinker.

  11. i do but u can date my bro he is 23 and is shy too  

  12. Well, the number one thing that impress a guy is a girl's appearance, be it looks or figure. This is almost true for most men in the world.

    I guess it's the confidence that destroys the relationship, and that makes you even low morale.

    What you can do is to tune your mindset:

    1) Tell yourself that 'You are better than you think you are'

    2) Look at those ladies who are confident, and see how they carry themselves. Learn from them.

    I'm sure that a confident lady will have a lot of charm, or simply irresisitible.

  13. yeah shy girls are fine as long as they can start to open up more after a couple dates. qualities that attract me are a girl who is able to laugh at herself and let the small stuff go we all do and say dumb things so laugh when you fall we all do it and when we don't get every hint you give don't get so mad about it

  14. understand yourself and forget about the guys Know yourself and deal with your issue and you will attract the perfect guy.

    Why are you shy ?

    What are you afraid of ?

    Is it okay to feel shy ?

    Who told you it wasn't?

    Why do feel only the best when you are with a guy ?

    Are their anytime you dont feel shy?

    "Know thyself"

    heres a couple of links to look up shyness

  15. If you can't talk to your best friends or significant other, it is going to cause problems in the relationship every time. You need to take a chance, because if you can't trust anyone; their not going to completely trust you either. If they can't except you for who you are, then you move on and find relationships with better compatibility. Companionship is a 2-way street and you only get out of it what you're willing to invest.

  16. I think shy girls are s**y because they are mysterious. At least they are better than bubbly perky girls. its ok if you dont wanna talk because some people are just naturally reserved. But you may need to open up just a little bit more.

  17. They might think you're not interested.

  18. Sure I do, I used to be painfully shy so I know how it's like (still am shy really, just no where near as much as I used to be). It also seems to me that shy people are often intelligent, observant and funny (since they're so quiet they spend a lot of time thinking and observing), and great, deep people once you get to know them, so it's worth it in the end.

    You're shy because you're afraid of been rejected, ridiculed and/or not liked. Of course, people don't really care (and what's it matter what strangers think of you anyway?) but it's an irrational fear. The only way to overcome shyness, or pretty much any rational fear really, is by gradually exposing yourself to it and you'll become more comfortable over time - just socialise every chance you get (start small by saying hello to strangers, commenting in conversations, etc. and people will start noticing you). At first you'll probably be afraid of not been heard (especially since people aren't used to you talking), but, well, not much you can do besides trying to speak loudly and keep trying till they hear you; nothing to worry about, if no one hears you it's no big deal anyway right? Just keep at practicing till you're comfortable. Alternatively, you can get therapy or medication (though I'm not a fan of drugs, but it's up to you) which might make things easier.

  19. Wow that's sad...... I'm 13 and my longest relationship was 2 years and the only reason we broke it off was because I was moving but anyways just go up and talk to him don't be shy if you need to go find a shy dude.

  20. I think mayhaps why guys don't have crushes on shy girls is because they don't know them very well..?  I don't know, I tend to have crushes on girls I'm friends with and know fairly well, so there.  But no, I can't say there are any specific qualities that attract me to someone.

  21. You're so young. Don't be hard on yourself.  When I was your age, I was like that too.  Try to get involved in some hobbies or learn a new sport or learn how to play an instrument.  Once you get a new skill, you will also become more confident and share what you've learned with your bf.  He might like what you've learned and want to know how he can get involved.  Then you two will really have something to talk about, together!

    Another thing is practice talking to yourself about the news/current events.  Ask yourself questions about them if you don't know.  This sets you up for when your bf is present.  Talking to him also include asking him questions, not just giving him information/sharing.  If he asks you a question, then answer it and then ask him some follow up questions to keep him talking.  

    Just try it little by little, and don't be scared about which topic to talk about.  Ask him about himself like how he's feeling about work, school, etc.  People love to talk about themselves.  Once he shares his feelings, then it's your turn!  It does not hurt to talk and doesn't cost a penny!  If you're more comfortable with some music in the background when you're with your bf, turn on the music to drown out any nervousness or silence; but don't turn it up too loud!  Music can be relaxing if you play the right song.  Hey, why don't you ask him which music he listens to when he wants to relax and just chill.  When you don't feel like talking too much, just play that music when your bf is around.

    Google things to talk about and get ideas there.  When you have doubts or questions, just ask google.  

  22. First off that 13 year old is bullshitting and second you just gotta get more confident and realize that when you do get dumped it's fine because there are plenty of other people out there just try being less socially to the guys you like they'll probably talk back..its hard but its the only way to fix your problem. so go and talk.

  23. well obviously, Im not a guy, but I'm shy too. Maybe you're depressed a little and withdrawn? or have you always been shy around ppl you're close to? It sounds weird. if you have a better time expressing yourself in writing, do that then. guys like shy girls because of their personality. if you're not depressed or anything like that, then just try to work on your self esteem or try to find things that really spark your interest. when you find the right guy, he'll get you talking. i mean, if ppl said everything they were thinking, no one would ever  shut up!

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