last question!!
when me and my 3 older stepbrothers were arguing last night (as i stated before in previous questions), and saying stuff about puberty, periods, etc., i just sorta mentioned the world gynecologist and stuff and 2 of them (17 and 18) knew sorta what it was, but had never been with a girlfriend or whatever, but then the 14 year old (whose my same age but older by like 5 months lol) had no clue what it was (which is understandable). so my question was (for guys mostly, but girls could answer), have you been to the gynecologist before with your wife or girlfriend for any reason, and if so how old were you? or else, if you've never been, when did you first learn about the gynecologist and what did you think about it and what did/do you know about it? SO RANDOMMM. LOL