
GUYS! How serious are you?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe I should post this in Singles/ Dating but some of the folks there seem too young...

How big a deal is it when you look at engagement rings...on your own, without being asked to or pushed to? How close are you to popping the question?

What would you spend if you were financially secure? Hypothetically




  1. I'm not a guy, I don't know...I just recently experienced the same type of deal. I don't know what he meant and I am fine leaving it up to him. It depends on how long you've been dating, age (I assume you were born in 78)? I quit trying to figure guys out a long time ago, I take them at face value now or I'd be nutty.

  2. Well if I felt the need to look at a ring without her ever mentioning or hinting to it I would say that I'm very serious. As for a price, I don't know cause I haven't felt the need to look yet.

  3. Awww, somebody wants to get married.  How nice.  

  4. Is there really a point of a ring?

  5. I don't even know what I spent on my wife's engagement or wedding ring.

    She wanted to pick them out and she put them on my card, I never asked.

  6. Hmm... if you are guessing when your bf is going to propose, I really can't give you an accurate answer cos I don't know what kind of a person is he.

    some people act fast, they think of something, look at a few models and they are good to make a purchase. others will do research, ask around, read a few books on the topic before making a decision to buy or to wait for a good bargain.

    some people react differently when buying different things, so it is hard to tell.

    you got to ask him to know the real answer hahaha

    someone once suggested that a man should buy a diamond ring that is 1.5 times his monthly salary for proposal. however, i think it really depends on how much he can set aside for this luxury. you mean if he spend 1.25, 1 time or 0.5 times of his salary because he can only afford it at this time you will not marry him? a gal marrys a guy cos she loves him, the ring is just a symbol anyway if he really loves you, he will buy you a bigger ring when he has more money.

    cheers and good luck with this one!

  7. To your other half it's a big deal. They say you should spend about 2 and a 1/2 months salary for a ring; but you should spend what you can afford. I say around 2,500. should be fair.

  8. Guys don't really like to hang out in jewelry stores.   It ranks up there with us holding your purse while you're trying on clothes or us talking about how we feel when football is on in 10 minutes.  It is a big deal.  It means he is probably 95% there.   What you spend is what you spend - but the "professionals" will probably guide him to the 3 months salary rule.

  9. i would honestly go the the pawn shop and find something really nice and usually you can make a deal with them.

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