
GUYS -- I have a boyfriend . . . what do I do with him???

by  |  earlier

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Please don't laugh, but I'm in my 30s and I've never really had a boyfriend before. I've been married previously, but I've never really had a boyfriend. Has to do with the way I was raised. Anyway, I met this wonderful man, and he wants to date me exclusively. I said yes! Problem is, I don't know how to be anything but a wife/marriage/commitment mindset. But I'm in no rush to get married. I really want to enjoy being a girlfriend. Any suggestions for how to be a really wonderful GIRLFRIEND?




  1. just make  sure u treat  him right, hopefully u guys  have same  interest other wise  u both will be  bored, and 1 more thing have  lots  of  s*x. ; ). and  dont be  all hung up on him too. let him and  u have each others  space.

  2. its like being married without all the stress and strings all you have to do is be there for him make time you will get the hang of it

  3. just have fun! i understand the mindset situation, but don't be clingy, have fun, go places, just enjoy the little things.

  4. just have fun! dont sweat the little things.

  5. Just be yourself, thats what got his attention in the first place. Don't over do things, continue to be yourself and have fun dating....the s*x can wait.

  6. being a girlfriend is not so hard

    u just do what he tells u to and try to make him happy

    u do stuffs u want to do

    suppose u two are walking down the street, if u want to hold his hands u hold em' and if u dont u dont

    just try n make him happy and make urself happy as well

  7. look guys are simple. do the things he likes to do and don't ***** at him. act like he is the best thing since sliced bread...we eat that stuff up. we know we are slobs but like being told otherwise. make him feel smart and funny and you will be a hellofa girl friend.  

  8. there is no hand book on being a good girlfriend just let things happen when they happen and how they happen

  9. One thing I will suggest that you do is when you go out with him for dinner and such, is offer to pay.  He'll pay anyways, but it shows that you're willing to pay for outings as well, which should make him happy as well knowing that you aren't afraid to chip in.

  10. Honey, be yourself.

    If this WONDERFUL man is really wonderful, he will accept you for you.

    Most men that age like commitment, and someone they can call theirs, and vice verse.

    Don't change, act like you, because odds are he wouldn't have asked you out if he didn't like your personality, or look.

    Good luck, I hope it works out :)

  11. Wonderful man as the phrase meant to be is someone who would eventual with the intention of marrying the girl he court. if not. he is no wonderful man but just a fornicator. same vice versa. so just enjoy the process with no intention to fornicate. you'll be okay.

  12. Be yourself.

    Balance your interest in him with self-interest,

    Be excited about life and you'll be a great girlfriend.

    You're probably worrying too much about this. HE LIKES YOU. Be happy about that.

    It's not really a game. Just be the best "you" there is.

  13. i mean you are still being committed to your word instead on paper but i would show him that YES you can be a good wife and NO you dont want to be a wife just yet.

    relax and have fun!

  14. honstly you should just relex and go with the flow until things turn serious. have fun and expiriment with things you have never done before just be yourself and everything will be fine

  15. I know what you don't


    dont wash his cloths

    dont cook him dinner more that once every 3 weeks

    dont run his erans

    dont clean his place


    do dress cute when he takes you out!

    do wear purfume

    do give him a chance to miss you and call you

    do go out and enjoy life!

  16. ne nice and have s*x a lot

  17. Check for things you both have in common or both like to do and do things together.  Talk to him tell him your feelings and he should be able to answer these questions for you.   I am sure someone will tell you lots of s*x, only do that if it feels right for you.

  18. Okay, I'm only 13 but I think I can give you some tips:

    1. Don't act clingy, it turns guys off

    2. Don't always ask, "What's wrong?" guys have mood swings too.

    3. Don't shower him with tons of gifts.

    If you love him and he loves you he won't be hard to please. You'll just know what to do.  

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