
??? GUYS ONLY, how do you like a Woman to.....?????????

by  |  earlier

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i want to know as a decent looking woman (sometimes seen as very attractive) who is not asked out often at all, how do you like a woman to flirt with you? what outside of just saying looks would make you come over to her (please be specific)? by the way i am in the thirties crowd, and clearly a late learner. when out with groups of friends i often end up seen as one of the guys or almost like a sister? i do not know how it happens as i am dressed like the other women, not like grandma. how can i break out of this mold? i would like to attract a nice guy to spend some time with. as to why i posted here, i was thinking men should know what men like. please share real and not x-rated answers thank you. sbf/slimbuild




  1. I like it a whole h**l of a lot when women flirt with me. I can't really tell you why men would treat you like a buddy instead of a potential lover, though. It may be that they are just not interested in you that way. I would consider it their loss, if I were you!

    As for myself, I love it when I can start off as friends with a woman, because the best romantic relationships are built on a deep, trusting friendship in my opinion.

    I am also about to turn 30, and I've found that relationships (good ones) don't seem to come as easily as they once did. I think it is because by the time people hit 30, they've been burned a few times and are more reserved in what they will share with a potential mate out of fear of rejection. This could be the case with you.

    Reverse psychology works well for me, and it may for you, too. What I mean is that people tend to want things that seem just a little out of reach for them, as opposed to someone they know they can easily get. By not coming on to someone so strong initially, it makes you that much more attractive in their eyes.

    That's the best advice I can give you, and I hope it helps! Just stay positive and self confident, and Mr. Right will come to you!

  2. Wrong section! We talk basketball here!

  3. first of all are you often quiet most guys like girls that are not to quiet and not to loud and be cool i like a girl that is like that a girl that doesnt hang round alot of males and one who doesnt act cute like shes the beautifullest thing on earth thats my style

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