
GUYS ONLY: Do you wear tighty whities/briefs? Why or why not?

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I noticed that when I was a kid, every guy wore briefs. Once I got into high school, I was one of three guys I knew that wore tighty whities in the locker room and all the other guys wore boxers. They ripped us for wearing them. Nowadays when I go to the gym, most of the guys in the locker room are wearing tighty whities/briefs again. So I was wondering if any of you still wear tighty whities/briefs and why you do or do not.




  1. Guest10731
    Except for a short period when I wore boxers or boxer briefs, I've always worn tighty whities. I like the way briefs hold my p***s and testicles firmly in place. I like the way the soft knit cotton feels. I wear just my tighty whities around the house. And then I sleep in my briefs when I go to bed. Daaave

  2. Guest10729
    Like most boys, I started out wearing the tighty whities that my mom got for me. Even in high school when I bought my own clothes, I got tighty whities. Then in college I started wearing boxers. But the underwear companies started putting out briefs in colors. And I always thought that briefs were more comfortable. So I went back to briefs. I still like to wear white briefs. I call them tighty whities. But they aren't really tight anymore. I like how briefs feel on me. I like how I look in tighty whities. All my friends wore tighty whities. I never thought about that until I read polls that asked about your underwear. I think my friends looked how guys should look in a T-shirt and tight briefs. They looked like young men.

  3. I used to wear briefs but then i hit puberty and my c**k and balls were being squeezed now i wear boxerbreifs because they have support but let me breath and i also have noticed that when i went back to briefs my "member" stoped growing as much but i went back to boxerbreifs and it started to grow normally most guys in the locker room are afraid that their  c**k is too small so they wear boxers  

  4. i started to wear tighty Whites. i stoped when my didck grew because my d**k dose not fit so i wear boxers

  5. Tighty whities because of support. I have both, but if I'm working I need the tighty whities because otherwise the business gets in the way with boxers. I've never given this any thought. I just use what is right for the occassion. Another example is there is no way I can bike ride with boxers. No f****n way. It has to be supported.

  6. Curtdude is a boxer dude since he was 7 years old and has never turned back


    like his junk to be free

  7. Definitely not tighty whities as the restrict blood flow to the meat and two veg.  No problem as a young man but it can be accumulative.  Just like not using a speed racing bike seat unless you are not a bicycle racer.  Can never gaurd the family jewels too carefully.

  8. I only wear boxer briefs:give the best support and are comfortable.


  9. I wore boxers to school for the past 2 years because thats what everybody wore and I wore tighty whiteys on weekends and during the summer. I hate boxers. I decided this year its back to tighty whiteys all the time and I dont care what anybody says.

    They're more comfortable. I dont like everything hanging loose unless I'm naked. Thats another story.  

  10. I wear boxer breifs or go commando. I don't like breifs.. they crush my junk.

  11. I find your avatar offensive.

    However, I wear boxers. I cant stand briefs restricting me.

  12. i am 15 and i still wear tighty whities because i think they are the most comfortable  

  13. It is a long time since I was a kid so can't really remember what I wore then !!  However nowadays I wear good fitting (NOT TIGHT !!) briefs   I prefer these as they are more comfortable on me than boxers .

    I do have some boxers and boxer briefs but my preference is for the briefs as they seem to hold "things" in place better.

    But this is really down to personal choice of what individuals prefer , I think it is a shame that many young guys chose boxers just because of peer pressure in the locker room  

  14. As a kid I wore tighty whities but they got to be too tight as i got older.

    As a Teenager i wore boxers but later on found them to be too loose.

    Now I usually will wear Boxer Briefs, not too tight, not too loose, they fit me just right. LOL. Its kinda like Goldilocks and the 3 bears.

  15. i only use jock straps, more support and are cooler

  16. I prefer the support one gets from a jockstrap  or compression shorts.  During the work day its wearing briefs of assorted colors.  After work like to relax is shorts or sweats and a jock.

  17. i wear boxers on dates and briefs when I'm at work.. i dont like my junk hitting my legs when I'm working

  18. I've worn briefs ever since I was young. I'm 15, and I still do. Briefs are the best since they give you the support that you need. Your balls don't go flapping around the place when you run, and when you're sweaty your balls don't stick to your leg like when you wear boxers. Not only that, but briefs help hide and put down an erection better than boxers.

    Boxer briefs are alright, and I wear them sometimes when I have gym at school. The bad thing about boxer briefs are that sometimes they ride up and give you a wedgie, and if they don't fit you well it creates a pouch area around your balls, not giving you enough support in that area.

    Boxers and definitely not my favorite. Everything is free and flaps around, and I need support for my p***s and balls. Not to mention that erections are so much more noticeable in boxers.

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