
GUYS ONLY :do you like a curvy or a skinny girl picture included?

by  |  earlier

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curvy girl:

skinny girl:




  1. Penelope cruz is attractive. The blonde girl is too skinny for me.

  2. Your "curvy girl" is very skinny.

  3. Your "curvy" girl is skinny, and the skinny girl's picture doesn't work.

    The answer is skinny, though.

  4. Penelope cruz

  5. the curvy girl. Nicole Richy looks like shes about to collapse. she looks malnourished.

  6. Curvy and just a little overweight

  7. I'm not a guy but I want to answer.

    Penelope Cruz is beautiful, Jennifer Aniston is beautiful, Jennifer Lopez is beautiful, Beyonce is beautiful. So the answer is, both.

    P.S: Second link does not work

  8. My guy likes curvy girls. On a side note penelope cruz and that other girl wouldnt qualify as curvy. Beyonce Knowles, she's a good example of curvy.

  9. I cant get the skinny girl pic to work so im not sure even though id have to agree with sum of these other people on that the "curvy" girl is really skinny

  10. taht "curvy girl" you have is NOT curvey. however nichole richey really need to eat. im not a boy but even i can tell you being anorexic is NOT HOT

  11. I'd date the first girl in a heartbeat!  The second link does not work...

  12. Curvy all the way. If they under 110 lbs. even better. So a curvy skinny girl is what I like.

  13. curvy. Nichol Richy is not human.

  14. Definatley not the firs one.  WWWWay too skinny, and as for the second, she is still pretty skinny.  My girl has to have actual curves.

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