
GUYS...Would you do all this for "just a friend"?

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My guy friend has been acting kinda weird lately…He flirted w/ me a bit over the summer,but I swear I’ve seen him flirt w/ another girl, too (though not as much—maybe I’m just paranoid).These examples are all things he’s done for me in the last 6 days…So….GUYS…I need your opinions on this!

1.)Would you go to all the effort of calling your friend (who’s a girl) just to convince her that you don’t like another girl (after she saw on your phone that you’ve called that girl 4 times in the last few months and said you “lied to her”). Just to “make sure she believes you” and “trusts you” if you weren’t interested in her [as more than a friend]??Also, called to talk to her little brother to invite him to go work out with you (he’s 2 years younger)

3.)Mention casually during the phone call,“why did it matter if I called that other girl?Do you have something you want to tell me?”Also, why would you ask “what phone service do you have?” What would it matter?

2.) Also,even after she said she didn’t have “something to tell you”(she was lying—too scared to tell you the truth) would you ask her brother if “he thinks she likes you” if you weren’t interested [as more than a friend] in her?

3.)WHY would you not ask the girl directly for her number, but ask her buddy for it while she wasn’t around?

Would you do all that for “just a friend” or “crush”? HMM…

When I saw on his phone that he'd called that girl in the last few months, I teased him about it,then said, "I don't care (I lied....).I support you 100%." BUT HE STILL CALLED THE NEXT DAY TO EXPLAIN AND MAKE SURE I BELIEVE HIM?!




  1. if you like him tell him and i can gurantee you both of you will be going out

  2. Sure he likes you, but you know that already...Ummm...You shouldn't have been going through his phone, He shouldn't have to convince you, but he feels the need. He asked your brother if you like him. So what the little brother is 2 years younger. Just about all of my friends are either 2 years younger or older. He asked your buddy for your number cause that is what boys do when they like girls. Last bit not least...You keep wondering if he likes you and I am sure that it is flattering, but don't put it all on his shoulders. If you like him you should say something. By the way....He asked you what service you had on your phone to see if it was the same as his...I don't know all the names with all the other companies, but Sprint has PCS to PCS, meaning as long as you are on the phone with another Sprint customer it doesn't deduct from your monthly minute allotment.

  3. if he is trying that hard to make,operative word MAKE, you believe him. be weary.

  4. Okay, that was sooo confusing, I can't even answer. Reword all of this, and ask again.

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