
GUYS and GIRLS: do you think this means anything? (10 points)?

by  |  earlier

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i have this best guy friend (who i have a crush on, i'm not sure

of he knows, but i gave him little hints but i don't

know if he gets them lol)

anyways, awhile back we were just talking over text and

we came upon birthdays.

i asked him if he still had my birthday card that i made

for him last year? (i was just curious)

and he said, yes he did.

i was shocked because i thought he might've lost it or something.

who knows what.

he told me that it was one of the best gifts he got for

his birthday that day (it was his sweet sixteen) and that

the card was sitting on top of his shelf and that

it meant a lot to him. i was all, " awwww" lol.

does this mean anything? i was really surprised

that he kept my card.

(at that time, he had gf, but now he's single.)

ps. i'm 15 (sophomore) and he's 16. (junior)




  1. yeah sounds like he definalely like you

    guys dont do things like that for just anyone

  2. He probably likes you, cause guys don't usually tell you when something means alot to them.

  3. sorry but i dont think it means something

    i have the cards from 5th grade on my shelf

    and also hes older so hes tryna be nice

    well dats my idea

    it might not be true

    but i think it is

  4. aww that sounds so cute! =]

    i think he likes u

    i could be wrong but thats what i think

    good luck! hope everything works out =D

  5. Yes


    He would not have it on his shelve i do not keep my birthday cards up on a shelve obviously he has feelings for you.

    If i was you i would have a game of truth and dare and ask him questions like do you facny anyone and do i know them and questions that the anwsers could give away that it is you.

    or maybe just ask him does he have the same feelings that you have for him

    Good Luck ;]]

    Dont be shy  

  6. he likes you.

    but the only way to be sure, is

    to ask him.

  7. he wuves you :)

  8. that's really sweet, and obviously you do mean something to him. you should ask him out!  

  9. I Bet He Dumped Her For You.

  10. It's hard to say. Since you're friends and all, it might be coming from just a friend place. Sometimes guys have trouble knowing that a woman likes them. Other times they think everything a woma/girl does means they like them. You can never win! Lol. But, maybe after you spend some more time together, you'll find out what he meant. Sorry if I couldn't have helped more.

    Good luck and God Bless!

  11. First of all yes we guys can be sort of clueless with hints, but still give them; sometimes the cluelessness disappears and we get them, lol.  

    If he still has your card and it was one of the best gifts he got than yes I think he likes you a lot, but maybe he is being cautious or is shy about asking you out.

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