
GUYS: are most of you just about looks? Visual?

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Do most guys just care about looks? Like if a girl is cute or not?

Everyone always says,,,guys are visual creatures......

It just makes me think that they mostly care about looks and THEN a decent pesonality? is this true?




  1. No not at all... many guys are actual just like women its nice to have looks but not really important just to have some one their to catch you when you fall

  2. The majority of men are very superficial by nature. We have an instinct with-in us to look at women and determine if they are a proper "mate" for us, and i mean "mate" in the primal sense.  Good physical qualities determines what our offspring will look like and deep down in our psyche, we look for those kinds of things. But that's at first glance, short term thinking. Eventually in the long run, personality and less shallow interests are looked for.

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