
GUYS!!!! do you like shy girls?

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Do you like shy girls who don't talk a lot and won't really carry on a conversation with you because they are shy??




  1. shyyy girls dont talkk.......

    why would a guy want a girl that doesnt talkk....unnless he just wants to bangg her.

  2. yea i love shy girls!!!

  3. there is nothing wrong with them. but i prolly wouldnt date one. im a shy guy myself and ive often believed that if i dated a shy girl that it wouldnt work out.

    but who knows, maybe the two of being shy wont be so shy around each other. its worth a would be cool if the to of us liking eachother so much gave us reasons to start conversations. u know?

  4. i want to know too

  5. i think so but im shy so if a shy guy meets a shy girl would it work

  6. Sure! I mean, shy in a cute kinda way, not in an outcast kinda way. Conversation is necessary, though. It's ok if you're shy, but it's not ok if you act like you don't want to talk to us once one of us starts talking to you.

  7. I like shy girls.  They seem to be more appreciative when someone talks to them.

  8. i like shy girls. but its hard to tell if they like me or not  

  9. i dont like shy girls i dated one once its not fun if you dont talk to ur gf  

  10. i woudnt cause im like that and 2 shy people= akward slience

  11. Im a girl, and i get shy sometimes at a meet up or something.

    alot of guys think its cute to an extent, like the girl should know when to start opening up and not be so shy later on.


  12. I like the girls that appear to be shy ONLY because they have a crush on me, and are to shy to let me know they like me.  It will be detrimental for the girl if she doesn't talk a lot or carry on a conversation with the guy.   ...You MUST talk.

  13. No I do not honestly. It makes me feel like I am doing all the work when it comes to trying to get to know you and it's really annoying having to ask all the questions when talking to a shy girl.

  14. I dont mind them:)..makes me more comfortable for shy also.

  15. I would like to know ahaha =]

  16. What age is she, and what age are the guys, this is very impt to outline in this kind of question, lol.

    But I'm assuming ur young, so I'd say yes, guys can be interested in and like a shy girl, but most of the time he won't make any advances or overt flirting unless she gives some kind of sign that she's comfortable with it. I don't do shy girls. I like 'em ougoing and wild. ;]

  17. girls like it all

  18. i was wondering the same thing!

  19. yes but i feel like a fatmouth beacause i talk so much and she dosent

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