
GUYS: do you think muscular legs on a girl is attractive?

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i skateboard and i plan on running track this year in high school. before i got into skating i was an extreme girly girl. my legs used to be slender, but now they're starting to become bigger and muscular. some people say they look like man thighs (lol) and others say my legs look better toned. what do you think about girls with muscular legs?

attractive or unattractive & why?




  1. put up or send me a picture and ill tell you

    i do this case by case

  2. muscular legs on a girl are hot. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get them too muscular to the point where they look manly without roids

  3. they are not  thats just creapyy

  4. I prefer more of a slender look. But as far as muscular legs I don't pay too much mind to it.  

  5. I like slimmer legs, as long as you don't look like a man I'm sure it's fine though.

  6. i think girls with muscular legs are very attractive, because it looks much better to be toned than to be skin and bones

  7. i'm not a guy but i've known plenty of them, and it really just depends on the guy. however, guys do find toned legs attractive (like if you have big calves) so don't worry about it.

  8. show me a pic

  9. I think toned legs on a girl are definitely attractive.  When girls wear dresses/shorts it just looks better when they have toned legs.

  10. Oh don't worry about that at all. We definitely find muscular legs attractive. Athletic girls are hot. That just shows that you take care of yourself. Don't worry about what other people say anyway, they're probably just jealous.

  11. girls are suppose to have strong thighs and lower body strength. Personally I love tone meaty things especially when you can see that line of definition between the quad and ham... hold the cottage cheese please

    you should post some pics, lemme see if I can find some pics of attractive thighs, brb

    EDIT: well I can't find what I'm looking for but denise austin has some nice thighs this is what I meant by definition between quad and ham

    and I thought this was funny

  12. don't question yourself girlfriend, why do you care what guys think? would you rather be strong, and be able to run and do things, or have flimsy little sticks for legs? i know for a fact, guys dig strong legs---your calves will look amazing in high heels especially :)

  13. I am a very athletic, muscular female myself and who care if anyone else likes it or not.The only thing that matters is what you think.

  14. Depends if they are proportionate to the rest of you body, if it's close it's okay if you have a tree trunk of a leg and a slender body then no lie, your a freak.

  15. Not really, guys don't pay attention to lady's guns, they pay attention to their own.

  16. don't worry about how you look do your own thing.... i don't really care as long as they are good lookin' but preferably fit

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