Does it seem impossible for guys and girls to be this different from each other?
I have a guy friend, who I like... ALOT. And a month ago, he told me he likes me.
Yesterday, while we were talking he said he does 'like' me, but he's not really trying to 'go out' with anyone right now...
Which brings me to question #1... why didn't he tell me this a month ago?? Before I wasted my time.
And then I talked to him today, and we were talking and I said something about me not looking for a relationship right now... and he was like 'So you DON'T want a relationship?' And I told him, that I wasn't 'against' being in a relationship if the 'opportunity arose', but that I'm not nessicarily 'looking' for a relationship'... Which is true... but I would like the 'opportunity' to be with him...
I'm not sure why he doesn't want a relationship either...
and I'm just not sure what to do anymore...
Any advise????
And I'm really not interested on anyone else at the moment...