
GUYS... help a girl out... please???? Your unbiased point of view would be much appreciated. girls too,?

by  |  earlier

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Does it seem impossible for guys and girls to be this different from each other?

I have a guy friend, who I like... ALOT. And a month ago, he told me he likes me.

Yesterday, while we were talking he said he does 'like' me, but he's not really trying to 'go out' with anyone right now...

Which brings me to question #1... why didn't he tell me this a month ago?? Before I wasted my time.

And then I talked to him today, and we were talking and I said something about me not looking for a relationship right now... and he was like 'So you DON'T want a relationship?' And I told him, that I wasn't 'against' being in a relationship if the 'opportunity arose', but that I'm not nessicarily 'looking' for a relationship'... Which is true... but I would like the 'opportunity' to be with him...

I'm not sure why he doesn't want a relationship either...

and I'm just not sure what to do anymore...

Any advise????

And I'm really not interested on anyone else at the moment...




  1. Hi there

    You just read my question and asked me to answer yours.

    This does sound alot like me and my best friend, he always gave hints just like that and I  never knew how to take it. Then when he got his g/f, he told me "I was too late" .. which leads me to believe me and him could of once been.

    My advise is to tell him. You should really tell him how you feel, go up to him, tell him you were wondering if he would give you and him a shot, see how things worked out. Tell him you like him, if you like him that much dont let him slip away. Dont make the same mistake I did, before its too late. You should do something about it now  


    I'm not trying to sound rude by all caps, it's just a very important thing to do. Talk to him and see why he doesn't want a relationship, what he does want, and if he is really interested in you, if he says yes, ask why. Talk to him about the friends thing, and make sure he knows you both are good friends before you become anything else if it gets to that.

    Communication is very very important, even as just friends, so make sure you both are comfortable talking about a lot before you start talking about the next steps. :)

  3. ………………..,-~*’`¯lllllll`*~,



    ……,-*lllllllllllllllllllllllll...THIS QUESTION

    ….;*`lllllllllllllllllllllllll......IS FAILURE













  4. alot of men don't really know what they want and girl some men just like playing games with your head.take the time to just get to know him,see how his friends behave in general and around you.DON'T BE NAIVE!

  5. well first of just like girls many guys also play hard to even if he says he does not want a relationship, deep inside i wants you. so try not to play games, if you are really serious about this, you should take charge and ask him out! Its not gonna hurt your chance, even if he says no (which i doubt he will) you will be back at the same put that you are at now!

  6. he will give u the answer to u problem

  7. be straight forward with him

    either keep the situation where it is and do nothing while waiting for him to make a move

    or make the first move and ask HIM out

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