
GUYS- how can i make him fall for me?

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?? =/




  1. The key to getting someone to like you is to get them to like themselves. Be interested and not interesting (but not interrogating). Truly try to get to know the person (sometimes in this step you realize you really don't like the persons company). Try  to free you self of all desire/want. Make your goal a friendship. A good relationship is more of a friendship, where good communication exists. Give him space! Don't be needy. You will enjoy his company more if he wants to hangout and does not feel pressured. And always be friendly when you are with him. If he does something that upsets you say it! But in an non-accusatory way. Phrase it as your reaction to the situation and not as him doing something wrong, ie. "When you ______ I feel_____." "It ______ me when you _______ ." Remember he is just being himself and it is your reaction to his behave that makes it "bad or good". And remember true love doesn't hurt!

  2. i always fluff my hair :) smile nicely and always look good :)  

  3. i smile and laugh alottt when im around guys

    it makes you seem really nice and fun

    and guys always fall in love with a cute girls smile =]

  4. lol i have the same question

    um.. it depends on his personality, every guy is different...

    but try to look good, but be friendly and don't turn guys down in front of him harshly, always smile, try to talk to him, find out his weakness and strengths and use that to make him fall for you, you could ask people about him, about his past, observe him and find out how he react to different situations...

    i hope that helps =]

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