
GUYS how would you respond if she said and did this?

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One day your lady friend runs up to you and gives you a long tight hug. She pulls away and says "Everytime I hear or read on the news that a woman or child has been raped, beaten up and held prisoner I'd want to run up to you and hug you"

How would you feel think and respond? Why?




  1. I read it as her realizing that you are a good, stable and loving person and she is happy that you are part of her life.

  2. Why would someone do that?

  3. idk maby it hits colse to home or sumthign and hugging u amkes her geel better who knows lol

  4. It implies that you're crazy.

    Really, I see no connection between somebody been abused and hugging your friend. Pick another excuse.

    Unless you guys are really close and you are sometimes random. Then I'd probably hug her back and laugh when she says that, and then ask her why.

  5. id be like, " are very strange...but you can hug me all you want."


    Its not a bad thing...its just a very strange thought process without the reasoning. It would be different if you  added in at the end "...because youre so good to me and I know you would never do such a terrible thing." Then, i would just think you were being cute and girly.

  6. i would be kinda weirded out.

  7. From a girl--what she is saying with all the hugs is that she feels safe and secure that it hasn't happened to her.

  8. I'll ask her how many drinks she had.

  9. What's the age difference between you guys?  

    What's your relationship?  Closeness?  Sounds platonic to me.  

    I agree w/ namelreg.  This is a positive sign that she feels or considers you a safe person.  It may or not be romantic.  What sort of relationship you guys have would explain the details.  

  10. i would first ask why, then hug her back.

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