
GUYS in 20s:Even if theyre confident around other girls,do they sometimes become shy around the one they like?

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Hes quiet & shy around me...

I even waved and said hi and he became really rigid and had to force a smile!! OK?! But then he stares ALOT, runs to open doors and stops talking when he sees me. Literally bang stop! Im like woah ok u can carry on talking - im only walking past you!!

BUT this is all sooo different from his normal behaviour around other girls... hes confident and laughs and jokes around flirtily...

A little insight please...?!




  1. I'm just like the guy you are describing so I would say yes he definitely has a thing for you.  The girls he doesn't like (in that way) he sees as less risky to be himself/flirtatious around.  I know its the opposite of what you want but that's just the way some of us are.

    If i knew a girl named Lillia I would be thinking...

  2. This is actually pretty much the norm; men and women alike tend to lose confidence around the objects of their attraction.

    It has to do with perception.  When we're in the company of people we see as peers, we act natural and comfortable, whereas when we're in the company of people we see as superiors (or even just people we see as unfamiliar), we tend to be much more formal and reserved.

    We tend to place people we like on pedestals, regarding them (at least for a while) in an elevated light.  As a result of this, it becomes difficult not to act formal or reserved around them.  Because of this, someone acting nervous or reserved in your presence specifically can be a good sign that they're attracted to you.

  3. Yes.. SOMETIMES they do and SOMETIMES they don't.

    This information should be very useful.

    But you haven't mentioned how much YOU like him. That's what matters. If you like him then ask him out. If you don't like him then stop worrying about it.  

  4. oh Lillia, the man ADORES you. seriously.

  5. I'd say he's more than a little into you.  He is showing classic signs of being intimidated by you.  You'll probably have to make a move if you want him to thaw out a little.

  6. Awwww...that's the EXACT same story I have! He is/was 23 and he behaved the same way...

    I wonder how they can grow out of it...

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