Question: a relationship, what is your biggest pet peeve about girllfriends and wives?

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I'm trying to pry into the male psyche a bit. What things do women do (emotionally, physically, mentally) and what habits do they have that are just downright rude, annoying, or ridiculous?




  1. Mood swings, drama, not putting out, gaining weight, nagging....I am just guessing.

  2. Honestly, my wife used to talk around the main subject or give me hints of what she wants or expects.  Then she'd get upset when I didn't understand.

    Now, she simply tells me what's bothering her or what she wants.  She doesn't wait around for me to guess or ask what's wrong.

    So, I'd say, "Poor communication skills is my biggest pet peeve."

  3. I have to echo everyone else, nagging, sudden head aches when I have been on a promise all night!  That head ache never came up in the first couple of years of going out!!

  4. From my experience the answers are:

    1.  Not enough s*x

    2.  She spends too much money

    3.  Nagging

    4.  Gaining weight

    5.  Mood swings (PMS)

    6.  Drama


    7.  OPRAH

  5. Jelously....Nagging....not being able to have a rational arguement....always having to be right(even if their wrong)....Trying to regulate what I watch on TV( thats why I finally bought my own TV for the garage ).....never forgiving or forgetting the little stuff ( i.e; bringing up stupid **** from month or years ago, just to p**s you off).....not cleaning their feet, Uggh ! Please wax that lip, I want to be with a woman not Chewbacha ! Spending hours to pick out somthing to wear to the mall or Applebees ! etc,etc,etc.........

  6. My wife insists on me watching her TV programs with her--mostly reality shows--as part of our "bonding" even though sitting through such c**p is like pulling my teeth without anaesthetic.  Backseat driving is another pet peeve of mine.  The way I look at it, if I get her to her destination safely and without delay, why do I need driving instructions from her?

  7. I think my husband would say my sometimes lack of decisiveness. (changing my mind)  I think that drives him batty.

    I'll say, ok, let's go this way. He'll say, ok. Then I'll say unless you want to go that way. He's like, woman!!

  8. I'm willing to bet $100 that their biggest pet peeves are~

    1) Wife doesn't put out/acts like a prude


    2) Wife gained weight;...

  9. Shopping, ohhhh god  

  10. nagging

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