
GUYS: is this ok from a shy girl?

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So, I've been on 3 dates with this guy. I'm VERY shy and he seems a little shy too, but I really like him. We haven't kissed yet and we talk more thru texting than on the phone. But he said that whenever he sees that it's a message from me, it makes him smile.

I wrote back that I have the same reaction when I hear from him or when I think of him. Was that too forward? Or do you think that was ok? If you got that from me, what would u think?




  1. 3 dates and no kiss? Sounds like somebody is waiting for you to make the first move...

    Based on what you said, you don't have anything to worry about. It sounds like he is a giant wussy, and you just haven't realized it yet.

    Shy guys = insecure = unattractive.

    Don't feel guilty when your attraction to him fades and you just find him "annoying". That is most women's reaction to him. Just make sure you tell him to grow some balls, so that when he reflects on what he did wrong, he can consider his wussiness.

  2. I don't think that is too forward. If he likes you, he will like that comment. And if it's true, there's not reason to hide it.

    I think you two sound cute.

  3. i think its great that you too are able to communicate your feelings to one another. i remember when my son's father and i made each other smile and laugh.  

  4. No. He said it first, didn't he? What do you think he would want you to say? You now have a mutual understanding that you both really like each other and you're not wasting each other's time.  

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