
GUYS: what do u like more, an easy girl or a classy one?

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i was just wondering what guys like more, a girl with a lot of class and self respect or a girl that will give them whatever they want




  1. neither in the middle....i dont like to classy but i dont want a **** 4 a girl eitehr.... need help with mine everyone;...

  2. I like mine just wild fun girl someone who is awsome to be with not one who just throws herself at every guy.

  3. easy girl

  4. Well if a guy is only looking for temporally pleasure then the easy going will the best choice but if he really likes or loves her the classy one would the choice  

  5. I like a girl with class but she should also be willing to compromise. I mean neither should always get what they want or the other will always be miserable. Women who are sweet, loving and kind are the best women. When a woman shows me respect and is sweet, kind and loving there are few thing I would not do for her to make her happy. A woman can be that and classy at the same time. Now if a woman just "gives it up" then no I will not respect her or really care about her at all. Women need to be sure that the guy loves them and they the 2 get along really good before anything like that happens.

  6. Classy girls are so much better

  7. neither :P id take the one in the middle and if those are out of stock, and believe me, they usually are, id rather be alone and miserable than being with those kinds of girls :P

  8. How about a classy one that knows what she wants and takes in when she wants it. What does easy have to do with self respect?

  9. A girl thats classy and has respect but also a girl that plays hard to get. A challenge is always good and in the end it feels GREAT to have worked for it and achieved lol

  10. I'd prefer the classy girl. The easy one might be infected with all sorts of nasty STDs. I just don't feel comfortable with whores...

    However! If the girl is easy because she really likes me and will only be easy with me, then I'm fine with that.

    Sometimes who you like is beyond your control...  

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