
GUYS!!!!! why do <span title="you........................?">you.........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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continue talking to a girl or calling her or telling her you love her...or get mad if she starts to see someone else cause you told her,she was not what you wanted, and tell her she is a little big for you...why do you continue to even talk to someone like that...if you tell her that you are not interested then a week later goes by and you tell her you miss her more than she can imagine...or that she is all you think about?????




  1. firstly, don&#039;t be sad all right. I can understand how you feel right now. But, let me tell you this, not all guys are like that. This guy you talked about is a one of the common flirtatious guys on earth. he only wants to toy with the feelings of girls, so don&#039;t fall into his trap. There are still many good decent guys out there in some corner of the world waiting for you to discover them.

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