
GUYS: your opinion on girls who smoke?

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would you date a girl who smokes?




  1. I smoke, so yes.

  2. i'm not a guy, but i am a girl who smokes. ive had numerous guys who do not smoke telling me how big of a turn off it is to them. i just tell them to move along they are not worth the withdrawl

  3. That all depends on the frequency in which she smokes, the type (menthol, reg., etc.) I think would all play a factor. But unless someone in my family died from it or something, I really don't see a problem with it.

  4. I don't have women in my life who smoke any more.

    I mean that partly as "I have taken the decision not to socialise with smokers", and partly my Mother died from Cancer at 54.

    If I wanted to taste cigarette smoke, I'd go l**k an ashtray. Tobacco, aside from causing fertility to deteriorate (especially in women) it is a contraceptive, in have never, and would never date a smoker.

  5. date, yes, but she'll get no kisses from me if she smells like shes been smoking.

  6. I don't drink or smoke or chew;

    and I don't go out with girls who do.

  7. I'm not a guy, but I know for a fact that any guy worth dating wouldn't date a smoker. It's low-class, gross, smelly, extremely un-s**y, unhealthy, I could go on for hours... do yourself a favor and quit instead of narrowing down your dating pool to a bunch of "accepting" losers.

  8. no that probably wouldn't work out.

  9. No -cigs stink up the girl and ages their skin.   On the plus side there is nothing sexier that kissing a girl with yellow/brown stained teeth with a voice like Lucille Ball in the 1970's.

  10. It all depends on what they're smoking.

  11. I'm no guy, but I think it's really bad 2 smoke.

    Over 200 poisens are in those things.

  12. Sure. I don't see any problem.

  13. well i smoke so its no big deal as long as she doesn't bum cig's off me

  14. no.

  15. it depend on how she smoke it , if she blow my face by her smoke then that big turn off.

  16. I heard this on the family guy.  "If she smokes she pokes"

    Makes sense to me.

  17. anyone  who  picks  up  a cigarette since the  1970's when it  was  proven to be bad  for you is just  dumb and  i  deserve someone  brighter  than  that.  

    im an  ex smoker and  i am as dumb as the rest for  starting  but  i finally  saw the  sense  in quitting.

    seriously  get  the  patch  and  live  20 years  longer

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