
GUYSSS help me with this and be honest!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have this friend, he told our mutual friend that it would be cool if me him and i sat together sometimes at lunch so today i invited him to sit with me and my friends (we are a grade older than him) and he said he didnt no any of them and that he was sitting with his friend. Also when he talk to me he has like an awkward tone like he DOESNT want to talk to me :\

but then right after lunch i was walking down the hallway to my next class and he ran out of his classroom just to catch up to me and talk to me, but then still he had that tone, then he went back to his classroom before the bell rang... im so confused (i think we kind of ran out of things to talk about)

Our mutual friend goes to a different school

I think i like him

My question is what is up with him???

Today its like he didnt even bother with me




  1. maybe he likes you and is trying to seem uninterested, maybe hes confused, i dono.

  2. I dont think he likes you honestly. he is mocking you  

  3. he likes u

    can u help me?;...

  4. i usually have a decent answer about this but with this one i just don't. i think he's either weird or nervous.

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