
GUYYSSS-- you wouldn't try anything would you? (read)?

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ok, so me and my best guy friend always do fun stuff, but not usually just the two of us, well, scratch that, we usually have almost more fun the two of us, its just not that often lol.

anyways, the next thing's movie marathon, just the two of us pulling an all nighter with like 8 movies which i was sooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to.

but now he's being like, REALLLLLLLLLLY flirty (and not really flirting with other girls, like, with me.. which is weird) and for once refuses to tell me who he likes, and it's NOT NORMAL, and do i want to stay with him all night on his basement couch watching movies where the guy ends up with his best friend?

what should i do!? do u think he's gonna pull anything? would you try anything!? i just want things to stay the SAME!




  1. Well if i were that guy i wouldn't do anything because I'm nice..maybe a little too nice...anyway i think there is a chance he could do something i'd make sure i was texting friends a lot or maybe tell him you like a different guy

  2. hahaha. i would def. try to make a move if i liked u.  

  3. you should just tell him like, "i dont want to start anything but lets still hang out"

  4. Oh brother, stop acting naive.

    Yes, of course he wants to 'pull something', and yes, it's NORMAL, not abnormal.

    And if you're honest with yourself, you WANT HIM TO.

    You may refuse him, and then go into this whole "oh my god, he's such a pervert" act like so many girls do, but deep down inside, you are thrilled that he would WANT to, and you are not being honest enough to at least admit that to yourself.

    So it's time to grow up and get real.

    If you don't want him to try something, cancel the whole thing.

    And don't blame him, this is normal male-female stuff.

    Take responsibility for your own sexuality.

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