Let's simply assume I am a voting citizen, not a climate expert, nor do I intend to become one. When discussing climate change please do not confuse GW with AGW. Yes glaciers are melting. Yes global temperature increased an average of at least 0.5ºC over the last century. Yes computing with a suite of models, an average of about 5ºC increase for the next 50 years was found. Yes current temperatures seem to be slighty higher than what is computed NOT taking into account manmade GHGs. Yes there have been a few statistical oddities in weather in the last few years.
Are you happy, now?
Then please explain the evidence that jet exhaust tracks impact the climate, or that global warming triggers earthquakes. Explain what happened with the 1995 IPCC report summary and why Al Gore asked Ted Koppel to dig out dirt on expert skepticals. While you are at it, explain to the educated, how cloud cover is modeled exactly, given that GW will increase it, thereby making the planet retain more heat