
GW denialists, even if you knew that AGW was true?

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Would you still make fun of people who care about it? Would you continue to insult the intelligence of people who want to regulate CO2 emissions?




  1. global warming is a lie

  2. Yes, being that it is not true (at least no evidence to suggest it is true).

    I do not insult the intelligence of the believer, as they have no intelligence to insult. :)

  3. Obviously if we were proven wrong we would humbly except that conclusion and continue to do our parts to clean up our environment. The thing is sooo many believers in this theory think that the skeptics don't care about our environment, which isn't true at all.

    Another thing is that both sides of this issue tease and make fun of each other, so I suggest letting the jabs slide off your back like water off a ducks back. You'll be a much happier person if you do that.

  4. LMAO global warming..... thats a good one but seriously now.. whats your question?

  5. My opinion about Global Climate changes are different than what some people call AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) meaning human-induced changes...

    But I will NEVER, not ever, make fun of people with other opinions.

    Seeing you are so confident about your knowledge in this matter, perhaps you should ask yourself why you or others feel insulted by different points of view.

  6. The believers really cannot genuinely claim to "just be following the experts" on AGW.   It is true that a majority of climate scientists buy into some variation of the theory - not necessarily that the world as we know it is in peril, but at least that the late 20th century warming was mostly caused by us.

    But much more clear-cut majorities of economists oppose the minimum wage because it's a price floor that only freezes the least-skilled workers out of the workforce entirely - yet I'm quite sure that most of the pro-AGW posters on Y/A spend some time in the Politics section supporting an increase in the minimum wage.

    Back to the original question of "even if you knew that AGW was true" - - which AGW theory?   The one that says Boston will have the climate of Atlanta?   The one that says the Northeast US, North Atantic and Europe will actually cool while most of the world warms?   The one that says hurricanes will be worse?   The one that says hurricanes will be milder?     You seem to have variation on the theory so as to cover every eventuality.

    That's one of the reasons we don't believe you.

  7. Global wraming isn't real, so we don't really have to worry about that, do we? I just thought I'd remind you that not even Yahoo thinks it's scientific enough to put it in the Science and Mathematics section. Not that Yahoo is my main source of information, but they even include "Paranormal Phenomena" in science. You chumps aren't quite as smart as you think you are.

  8. Nobody's making fun, are we?  I think we're doing a good job at educating the believers.  Truth is truth, even if Al Gore denies it.  But to answer your question, if it is ever proven to be true beyond any doubt I'll buy it.  But that will never happen.

  9. As I discovered in a previous (deleted) question, the deniers are not even willing to consider the possibility that they're wrong.  And since they can't make a valid scientific argument, childish insults are just about the best they can do.

  10. Feel free to regulate yourself all you want.  Just don't involve me in your religion.

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