
GWS dwellers: how do you score on this quiz?

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In the interest of gender deconstruction, how do you score on this aptitute test?

Please post your results and your reaction.

I scored 29 - Gender Freak! LOL! What about you?

Gender Freak

This was child's play for you, wasn't it? Either that or water in the desert, huh? Just realize that you're not alone. Whatever it is you're doing, just keep on doing it and have fun being your gender freaky self!




  1. 52.  Freak.  : )  That was fun and what a great way to hype a book.  Way to go.

  2. Gender novice.

    Although I've never had the "gender willies" as she puts it.  That test seems to be more slanted than a lean-to.

  3. Gender Novice

  4. Why is gender deconstruction interesting?

    Why do we have to not be men and women anymore?

    Why am I supposed to want to live in a world where everyone is gender neutral, no polarity, no color, no personality or flavor-just a bland 'q***r' sameness that we all are be safe from any male-female problems, right? because we've eliminated gender and so are now safe from it?

    why is that the solution?

    and to what?

    no i really want to know! ..

  5. I scored a 188, well gendered, thank you, and I still don't know what the heck it was all about.

  6. 121 -  Gender Novice.

    "Gee, it's like you have one hand in respectability and the other hand someplace where both of you like it. You're not always taken for 'normal', are you? In fact, you probably get an infrequent but regualar bout of the gender willies from time to time, don't you? And a lot of this gender stuff is probably kinda new to you ... a little scary and a little thrilling, right? Maybe it's time to explore exactily what scares you. Go on ... you know how to be gentle with yourself."

    Hmm... interesting...

  7. I score 178. Totally not surprised that it said this:

    Well Gendered

    Hiya, Mister Man! Hello, Ms. Lady! Look, I know that all this 'gender-as-construct-or-performance' stuff might sound weird, but the world is changing. Maybe someone you know is exploring gender. It would probably pay off to study more of this stuff, if only to help you get along with them, and to keep up with people who are going to be living more and more outside gendered 'norms.'

    And yeah, the test was very biased. It was pretty obvious that the writer thinks all of us should cast our gender aside and go for a wallow in no-man's land, as if life is so much better there and we're somehow repressed if we aren't like that. I disagree. There are lots of people who have "gender issues", let's say, and are miserable.

    I don't know that "lower is better", as the website says it is - a lower score means that you're getting into the realm of the bisexual, anything goes lifestyle. *Is* that better, though? Would society as a whole be better if everyone was bisexual and there was no distinct gender anymore? I'm not sure about that. I like the fact that there are differences between men and women. It works quite well.

  8. That test was very bias. It seemed to only give you a score that the creator considered real if you believe that there are more than two sexes. I found that really pointless.

  9. I scored 115 but found the test utterly pointless. As if having a concept of gender is a bad thing!

  10. I lost interest at section three. The word 'gender' started to get boring after the 20th repetition.

    A bit of fun, or the result of people reading too much postmodern twaddle?

  11. 96- Gender Outlaw.

    I found the quiz problematic because it implied that you cannot question society's perception of gender and conform to gender stereotypes at the same time-- that you have to be some sort of super-rebel to understand that gender is not clear-cut. In other words, the questions were mostly personal questions rather than questions about how you perceive gender as a whole.

    I happen to be stereotypically feminine in a lot of ways-- but it's not BECAUSE I'm female, it's because I'm me.

  12. Very unscientific test, but quite amusing.

    A lot of it is just regardiung society - for example 'ma'm' and 'sir' are society's distinctions for male and female, wheras something like 'guys' is universal.

  13. 121, gender novice....

  14. Though I found this "test" to be quite biased having a not so hidden agenda, I scored 156, "Gender Novice".

  15. Im a gender novice. But Im OK with that

  16. A fun exercise, but I found some of the answers not applicable and kept looking for the none of the above button.

    I am a gender freak.  No surprise since I am a freak in other ways as well.

    Gender is a continuum, just like sexuality.  Society is absolutely obsessed with gender and it takes a strong person to just interact with other humans as humans without trying to pigeon hole them into a gender identity.

  17. 89 points - gender outlaw, and I was not surprised about it.

    However, there were a number of questions where I did not find a matching answer among those to select from. Perhaps I should have skipped over some questions to get more validity with the result.

  18. I scored a 103, Gender Novice.  But I would say that the majority of the questions on the quiz didn't have any answers that even closely resembled my actual thoughts and feelings.  So, do I think the quiz is accurate?  Absolutely not!  Do I think the quiz is biased towards one opion?  Most definitely!

  19. gender outlaw

  20. I scored a 70

    Gender Outlaw

    Honey, you're too far gone to make the climb back up to 'real' man or 'real' woman, working not only on your own gender, but the subject of gender itself for quite some time, huh? I'm willing to bet things are still a bit scary and a bit serious for you in your life. Your next step would be to let yourself explore some of the place that really thrill you, no matter the social taboos. Just be kind and compassionate when you are doing it.

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