
GYM is very boaring,i want to join KARATE CLASS? advice me?

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i go to gym and it is very much boaring activity,i get no results.

so i decided to join karate class.

does KARATE class will make my body strong and will give good results?

advice me please,i dont want to do weight training it is very boaring.




  1. you may benefit more with a stint in English language

    hope this helps

  2. Yes, just exercising for exercising is pretty boring, with Karate you will have core strength to develop, stretching and Kata to practice.  How well you do in Karate is dependent on how much you practice, even when it gets boring.

    I teach Krav Maga,  I have friends who teach Chinese Martial Arts, which I prefer, as they too are a never ending pool of knowledge.

    Karate classes headed up by fat sensei's are suspect for keeping you in shape.  Before you join any class, look around at the different schedules, try a few classes to see which class you like, and see if it meets or exceeds your expectations.

    Karate class is totally voluntary and something you pay for usually.  We have a Karate class at the gym I go to, it is pretty lame, even though the sensei is a good man, his class is not so dedicated, so they aren't so good.  Regardless of which style of Karate you end up with, be sure it is what you want.  

    Try some Kung Fu classes as well.  Sometime in the 19th century, Kung Fu took a turn towards health as well.  If there are some good Kung Fu/Tai chi schools in your area, have a look at them.

    As a fifty year old Krav Maga teacher, I tend to see many old Karateka getting arthritic, where the CMA guys are still limber and agile.  I am also a Tai Chi and Combat SAMBO student.

    Speaking to results, you will only get out what you put in, so dedicate yourself and you will get much out of whatever you decide.  The Chinese arts have a steeper learning curve with a greater reward.

    I have included links below, check them out, see what you have in your area.

  3. If I was bored I would go and try something new who wouldn't?

    Go try a class!  I have stuck with it all these years so there must be something in it

  4. ignore all the bullshit about your spelling mistakes so ****** what! also ignore the top contributer that t**t couldnt even spell hai karate never mind smell good wearing it.  Try Judo, good body good strength or ju-jitsu but you'll learn nothing from bullshitters like myself and the "top contributer"

  5. karate will keep ur body fit and improve the muscle strength,,but it wouldnt bulge the muscles.....

  6. I don't know about karate class, but I suggest you to take grammar and spelling class.

  7. Dude, we actually do karate and it is good. I think you might as well try it because you can always quit if you don't like it right?

    It does kinda make you strong because you have to do punches and kicks and stuff and our teacher said it helped him to lose weight and get fit

    Also its supposed to make you mentally tough aswell as making you able to kick ***. Bonus!

    Yeah dude, you should totally try it

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