
GYn question?? ? and help with my mom?

by Guest44564  |  earlier

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ok im 15 going on 16...still a virgin! yay! but i want to start going to the gyn but my pediatriancian( still go there with my 8 year old sis) said i dont have to go there because untill i become sexually active. and if i tell my mom i want to go she gon think im having s*x and im not. even if i tell her im not having s*x she aint gon believe me. and prolly gon punish me and take my cell phone away and wont be able to go anywhere anymore. she already dont want me to do nothin now. she dont even want me to hang with my bff because shes sexually active and she think shes "too grown" for her age. everytime i go somewhere with my bf f she think im gon go have s*x with some boy.but the thing isshe treat me like a child. and when you tell her that im not a child anymore she be like "yes you is untill you 21" im a young adult and she dont respect that and think she kow everything.




  1. going on to 16 isnt a young adult....

  2. what?? your pediatricions wrong, i go to one and im not sexually activem, im 13, ask your mom again or ask like an older cousin or someone else in your family thats a little bit older than you to take yuo

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