
Gah, i don't know what to do..?

by  |  earlier

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so i just recently had s*x with my boyfriend ... i dunno if i'll continue doing it but i'm kind of flipping out. you know when you go to the doctor for a checkup and they ask you that irritating question "are you sexually active?"? well.. my mom is usually sitting right there and i couldn't possibly say yes!

and then if for whatever reason my mom's not there and i actually confess to having s*x with him i really don't want my doctor to go off and tell my mom, i would like cry.. what do i do? does the doctor absolutely have to know the truth??




  1. if he don't know he cant help you..your doctor cant tell your mom its confidential...

  2. Doctors have to practice what is called doctor/patient confidentiality, Which means they have to keep whatever is said between you private and to break that right could cause her serious problems legally, unless it was life or death she cant tell your mpom anything.

  3. When your mom isn't there say yes and ask not to tell.  The doc will listen.

  4. If your mother is not in the room with you when the doctor speaks with you then the doctor cannot share any information you give him. Doctor/patient confidentiality.

    If you believe you are mature enough to be having s*x, then you should be mature enough to ask your mom to stay in the waiting room during your doctor visit.

    Now for the part you probably do not want to hear, but here goes. Use protection, condoms AND birth control, the pill or whatever is easy for you.

  5. you mom shouldnt be there...and your doctor cant telly our mom anything..

  6. Either avoid going to the doctor while you're sexually active or just stop having s*x or whatever you're doing with him.

  7. If you tell the Dr. when your mother is not there he cannot tell her.  Patrient doctor confidentiality.  Why does your Mother have to go into the examination room with you.?

  8. The doctor can't tell your mum your sexually active because of doctor/patient confidentiality law's

  9. Unless there's a medical issue (or you're pregnant) it's not that important that the doctor know. Though he is pretty much bound to not tell your mother if she's not there.  

  10. Your doctor can not tell your is completely confidential. When my doctor ask me that question she makes my mother leave the room, but I guess all doctors do it differently..

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