
Gain flexibility after an injury?

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Ok, i recently hurt my hip in a dance tryout, and i didn't make the team because i couldn't do half the stuff th was required because of my hip. But now i have ANOTHER dance tryout in august, but here is the problem: my injury has cause my right leg to become to inflexible!!!!!! I cannot even lay my body across it when i am stretching. and my awesome splits........THEY ARE GONE! i am like 1 ft. off the ground! Now, my hip still kinda hurts, should i wait until it totally feels better to worry about it, or do you think that the injury cause me to lose all my flexibility for good and i have to get it all back before august?




  1. You need to wait for it to finish healing before you start dancing seriously again, or your risk of re-injuring  it will be higher. However, you could do light stretches with it to help it get back to how it was before you injured it. You should talk to your doctor about it though and find out about making an appointment with a physiotherapist to get specific exercises rather than asking people on the internet for help, who first of all aren't doctors so can only guess at what will help you and second of all you can never know if they really know what they're talking about.

  2. I really don't think so...

  3. i would go to the doctors and ask for physio, im a ballerina and broke my ankle so couldn't do pointes for 2 months but after physio i am fine and back to usual self. You dont have to pay either.

  4. If you just leave it alone for a long time you will lose your flexibility for good try to do spits every day and other basic leg stretches and soon your flexibility will come back.

  5. i feel your pain!!! im a ballet dancer and i regularly get achilles tendonitis......ive been to countless physios and doctors and they all say the same thing rest rest rest bla bla...which im sure you know as a is impossible because if u rest then u become inflexible.....i suggest you stretch every morning and night...whenever you can...even when your getting dressed going up stairs waiting in ques.... stretch all the time....dont worry you will get your awesome splits back i promise =] . good luck and never over do it otherwise you will end up even worse.x

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