
Gaining confidence about embarresing illness

by  |  earlier

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Im 15 and I have this problem downstairs, its nothing minor surgery cant deal with (now it just sounds horrific lol).

I really need to tell my mum in order to get this sorted. But i cant gather the confidence to tell her. I never normally have any worry about these things, but i always bottle out before i tell her. We aren't very close and i dont tell her much at all...Anyone got any tips?




  1. I had a similar situation when I was your age, I had a problem but was to shy to tell my mum, it kept building up until eventually when she was by herself i just blurted it out.  She helped me out and went to the Drs with me.  She will support you, no matter how imbarrasing it is, she is an adult and will understand. :)

  2. Have your family doctor do the explaining.  Physicians are used to doing this as it is part of their responsibility with minors.

  3. Uhm maby just don't say at all,go by your self?Book your own Doctorr appointment and then say mum I'm going to the doctors later, then shell ask ah Whys that for,then tell her!

    Good luck hunni!x

  4. Write her a letter if you are too embarrassed to tell her to your face. Or have your family doctor talk to her.  

  5. She is your mother! she won't be horrified! Just sit down and tell her as your health is important for her. Do not worry, nowadays everything can be solved in a good clinic! ;)

  6. im sure she'll understand.. shes an adult and she knows about these kind of sitautions and how you'll be feelin.. its ok,,shes ur ma u can always talk to her.

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