
Gaining muscle within 2 months or more months?

by  |  earlier

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Okay i need help here im skinny like really skinny and i want to change that. I weight almost 118 lbs. I know i have to eat alot but i also see people who are skinny but they have alot of muscle.

How can i build muscle and upper body strength?

i mainly want to build my biceps, triceps and my chest how can i do that? and i cannot do many push ups =( how can i do more can someone ppplllleeaaassse help thank u




  1. Hey

    You can gain about 5lbs per month.  I found some great muscle building tips from the site .  There are tips form the top fitness trainers.  There are also some good downloadable free ebooks.  The no-nonsense muscle building is a great program that I used.  They really give you what you need to gain muscle without supplements.

    Good luck, Don't give up.

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