
Gaining <span title="Confidence??????????????????">Confidence???????????????...</span>

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I need help to gain confidence when I jump and canter. I am super confident at the walk and trot, but when I try to jump over 1 foot or canter, I feel like the horse will take advantage of me and I cant really steer or keep my seat and I just feel like a total mess! Any help?




  1. the horse doesnt wanna fall so just relax and let the horse do what it is trained to do. just sit their and hang on for the ride

  2. I don&#039;t do all that much jumping, so I can&#039;t really help you with that, but at the canter I might be of some use. What my trainer has me do at the canter when I start to &#039;tense up&#039; as she words it, is sit back, breathe deeply and roll my shoulders until I feel relaxed. Do you ride in an open field or in an arena? Because it is pretty hard to steer a horse in an open field. I sometimes ride this one horse who when ever you canter, he tried to buck you off. The best advise I can give you is to defiantly SIT BACK even if you look a little silly, it really helps me. Good luck!  

  3. you can do it just focus on the subjest.focus focus focus and jump!!

  4. first off dont just hang onto the ride! that would make jumping or lessons or even riding the point useless! you need to practice cantering more, and your 2-point too. and if you havent yet try walking, trotting, cantering over poles. and pretend liek the poles are jumps (go into your 2-point over the poles), and relax if you fall it wont hurt. its kinda fun, i hate the fact that i fall, but its like, WHOOSH haha :) but im sure if you get used to your horse enough you will totally trust him/her.

  5. With the canter perhaps you can get someone to lunge you on a long line or you can try it in a round yard or arena first to help you feel a little safer. Perhaps you could go to a riding school or ride someones bombproof horse to help you gain a bit of confidence. As for jumping you need to first of all put a bit of faith in the horse and yourself. Stick to the height you are comfortable at and just keep doing it lots and lots and ever so slowly and slightly raise the height a little. Don&#039;t try to rush yourself because fear can often cause things to go wrong and if that happens before you have a chance to feel a bit more confident then you will have twice the battle. Again if you are able to practice on other horses at a riding school or on someone&#039;s bombproof horse this may help you relax your nerves a little. sometimes watching other people doing it can help you to feel confident too because you can really concentrate on what they&#039;re doing and it tends to make you a bit anxious to do it yourself which helps you to overcome your nervousness. Just whatever you do don&#039;t rush, take all the time you need and don&#039;t beat yourself up over it. Good luck

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