
Gaining too much weight?

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I'm 5 months pregnant, and gained about 12-13 pds I'm 5'4. My original weight is 117-118. Is this too much weight gain for my 1st pregnancy?




  1. Most people gain more weight the first pregnancy.  That being said, if you gain just another 12 -13 pounds the next half of your pregnancy, you'll have gained the "perfect amount", so don't get too worried yet.  Don't focus on the number too much.  Its more about gaining the right kind of weight.  As long as you and the baby is healthy, that's all that really matters.

  2. I gained 50 lbs.  My doc kind of got onto me though b/c I'm not a big girl but I had a BIG, pregnant apetite haha.  But he is 6 mos now and I have lost it all so I can't complain too much.  I don't think that is too much.  You are over 1/2 way through.  30 lbs would be a decent amount to gain and you would lose it quickly.

  3. I say you are right on target....Docs say around 25-35 lbs total is what you are suppose to gain, but that doesnt count for the water weight gain, that goes away within days after delivery. I gained around 45-50 lbs with my 1st and I have almost lost it all. So don;t worry, you are providing for your baby.


  4. no that is great, i gained 50 lbs with my first!  

  5. i dont think its alot. i didnt gain much during the first 6 months but at 7 months i blew up like a blimp. ended up gaining 57lbs with my little girl. id say you're doing well. most doctors dont want you to gain more than 30lbs but really its up to you and how you eat during the pregnancy... but be careful.. i did get a lot of stretch marks so if you're trying to avoid that then id do my best not to gain too much weight.

  6. No you haven't gained too much, I would say you are right on schedule.  

    Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy :)

  7. No for an average person you are suppose to gain like 20-25 pounds.  For skinnier than average you are suppose to gain around 30 pounds.  So you are good.  Good luck.  

  8. No your supposed to gain weight, do not diet while pregnant don't

  9. With my 1st I gained almost 100lbs....Most people gain alot with their 1st

  10. Nope that is good so far, only concerns are if you gain a lot, losing weight, or not gaining at all. That is normal, and the normal pregnancy weight is from 25-30lbs for people of our size (I am the same height and almost weight) I only gained 25lbs and lost 24lbs after the baby was born in a matter of 2 weeks. You have nothing to worry about. Congrats!  

  11. I gained 42 total. I can't remember how much I gained and when but I do know that there seems to be very little you can do to control it. Some women gain a lot in the 1st trimester then nothing in the 3rd and some gain it all in the 3rd. I didn't gain a pound in the 1st, in fact I lost weight.

  12. no i think its fine, ur pregnant girl don't worry about that!!

  13. Its average that during your first pregnancy you gain a little more weight than your second.

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