
Gaining weight in first trimester?

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I am only 5 and a half weeks pregnant but I've already gained 3 pounds in a week and a half. This is my second pregnancy and with my first I lost weight in my first trimester because of morning sickness. I do not remember gaining weight or being this hungry the first time. Did anyone else gain weight like this? My pants are already tight!




  1. its okay-your doctor will monitor your weight

  2. It's okay, although if you gain too much weight it can be a sign of problems.

    I myself didn't gain one lb the whole first trimester. I also had hyperemesis though.

  3. i think i lost weight in the first trimester but now im eating a lot i think im making up for it now. i guess its different will your 2nd pregnancy etc, as you have been pregnant before. just make sure you are eating a balanced diet and not too much fatty stuff and im sure it will be healthy weight you are gaining, if you continue to gain more than you think you should be then have a chat with your midwife as it could be caused by something else. good luck.

  4. hmm im in the same boat, my clothes are tight but i thought it was because i was bloated untill i stepped on the scale..iv gained almost 5 pounds...ill be 11 weeks 2morrow...but i didnt have any morning sickness or idk haha

  5. I'm going through the same thing.  I'm 13 weeks pregnant and look like I'm around 5 months.  I'm already wearing maternity clothes.  It was never like this with my first.  I've been researching why this is happening so quickly and being that it's your second pregnancy... your body has been through this already and it just goes with the flow.  Hope this helped!

    Good luck!

  6. LOL I have gained 7lbs in 3 weeks! LOL

    Just watch what you eat thats all - you'll gain as your supposed to!

    Fruits veggies salads and healthier type things you can still gain more weight than you want....just eat smart and let things happen as they happen. If you doc is worried they will let you know and help you come up with a better diet plan.

    I know your freaking I am a weight obessed person and this is going to kill me Im already feeling gross and fat which I am not! LOL

    pregnancy kills your self image doesnt it?!


  7. Hey am about 5-6 weeks preg too am av put on quite a bit o wait already witch am quite gutted about, am a curvy person and normaly a size 16 how ever i am finding it quite hard to fit into my jeans at the mo, and it doesnt help the fact that i have not had mornign sickness. so its going no where :( am constantly hungry and its no good like :(

    am sure ever thing will be ok just watch wht u eat and make ur self a eating plan if it doesnt help go see the doc,

    congats and aw the best honey xox  

  8. with my first i also lost weight in the beginning no one could even tell i was pregnant till after 6 months

    so when i got pregnant with my second i instantly began gaining  & showing. i was thinking oh no i'm going to be enormous but suddenly i evened out & i am actually smaller than i was with my first (by a good 20 pounds) & i have 11 days to go. people actually say i'm very small

    so you probably gain quicker with the second but it will definitely slow near the mid point 20 weeks or so GOOD LUCK

  9. Everyone is different...I personally started to show very early in my pregnancy...I was ALWAYS hungry...If you're gaining to much weight or gaining it to fast your doctor will tell you...Good luck to you!!!!

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