
Galinda/Glinda for Halloween.Any idea's how to make a dress like the one in 'popular' or how else to dress?

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from:Wicked the musical




  1. use your imagination. you could even be half Elphie half Glinda! how cool would that be! paint half of your face and on of your arms and legs green, and to make the dress, make half black and half pink and sparkley! then for the hair, straighten for elphie, curl for G, and hair die/ color stuff maybe? hehe then for the hat, cute or make a witch hat [half of one] and cut/ make a half of a tiara and hot glue them together. HOW COOL! omigod i wanna be that now... lol

    answer mine pleaseee anyoneeeeeee:

  2. It probably wouldn't be too hard to figure out how to make it from pictures. In the show, it's actually 2 pieces because of the costume changes they have to do.

    This the best one I can find

    Megan Hilty

    So I'd say pink fabric and maybe a spagetti strap top.

    Also, thrift stores are you're friend, and the salvation army too.

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