
Gall Stones! What should I avoid eating?

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My doctor suspects I have Gall Stones and has arranged for me to have an ultra sound scan to confirm it. In the mean time what foods shall I avoid? and is there any foods that can help prevent an attack?





  1. Nothing will prevent an attack, but avoid any fat in your foods. Beware hidden fat such as that in avocados. When you get an attack, try taking Gaviscon, it's brilliant.

  2. avoid all dairy produce,this is agony when it starts, i had just 2 stones and had them removed , even the surgeon was amazed at the size of them , iv never had pain like it , OUCH !!!

  3. greasy foods dont help. gall stones run  in my family and i know it makes some members of my family who have them in agony when they eat curries, anything too greasy or fizzy juice..

    just googled that for you, maybe that;ll have some trigger foods on it.

  4. My friend had gallstones and was told that she had too much fat in her diet.  She had to cut down on dairy products, fry-ups, take-aways etc.  She did this 3 weeks prior to her op to remove gallstones.  She lost around half a stone prior to op and continued with diet after her op.  She has never suffered again and has lost over 3 stone in total.  That was over 3 years ago and has kept it off.

  5. Basically avoid anything with fat in it. Only fully skimmed milk and ideally no meat.

  6. i have just had my gallstones out by key hole surgeryso i know what ur going through that pain is the worse pain ever! my doctor advised me to stick to things with anything than 3% fat and it worked and i stayed pain free for about 6 months till i had my op and try to avoid fizzy drinks and anything spicy also switch to semi skimmed milk if u havent already if u want my email addy for any more help ur more than welcome

  7. fried or fatty foods,dairy products, cream,ice-cream. if overweight try to lose weight. try eating little amounts through the day. smoking encourages heartburn as well, try to avoid alcohol.i had gallstones and gall bladder removed a few years ago by keyhole surgery i was in a little discomfort for a few days but really glad i had it done.

  8. You should be on a low fat or fat free diet...I know, I've been there.  

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