
GallardÃ_n now accuses the left of wanting to stop the abortion debate

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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The Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz GallardÃ_n, remains clinging on the issue of abortion, the interpretation of the Constitutional Court, endorsing, to assert that a law of terms does not fit in the Law of Laws to disregard the law the unborn. In Breakfast of TVE, the Minister of Justice is not attributed in future property law. When asked if the law or strictly speaking GallardÃ_n should be " Rajoy Act " responds: " A law passed by the Council of Ministers is the entire government." Ostensibly be more than satisfied by the emphatic support lavished yesterday the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, in an interview with Antena 3. " I am very grateful for the support of the president and proud to see how his Cabinet supported very generously."

Do not want to debate. This is the charge of the Minister based on not only the left but all parliamentary groups, calling for the draft, yet there is no law, lest you arrive at Parliament. " That left us ask that we suspend the debate means arrogance on their part. Would not be afraid to debate, we 're going to all find the best possible wording ", has defended the minister. This request of the minister in TVE collides with the constant desire of the opposition to be debated in Congress over the government's plans. The last time was two weeks ago at the Permanent Council in which PSOE and Izquierda Plural, with the support of others, the minister asked for the hearing to discuss abortion. Popular Party 's argument for rejecting the request was still being " outline planning " and time will be when you enter the Congress,

If abortion is a right or not is matter of ongoing controversy. "There is no international treaty recognizing abortion as a right", said the minister, who has appealed " to the international agreements signed by Spain " in defense of disability. This interview has been asked to differentiate Malformation disability, and if you think that European countries-France, Netherlands, UK, Germany, Portugal, among others - that have a system of abortion maturity violate such legislation referred to international. "We legislate according to our Constitution, not what other countries do," he replied. The day before, also in The Breakfast of TVE, the secretary of the PSOE Social Policy, Trinidad Jiménez, said post of UN disability at no time asked the Zapatero government to root out from the law limits the assumption malformation. Jimenez cited herself to attend these forums as health minister when the law was approved limits.

There is no doubt that the internal and external pressures to take something changes in the law to outline the possibility of terminating the pregnancy in cases of malformation but does not advance GallardÃ_n details. There is still a long way until the present Government Act replaces the 2010 adopted by the Socialist government. State Council, General Council of the Judiciary, Fiscal Council, the minister mentioned. The justice minister has downplayed international criticism of his party. " No one says that he prefers the current law does not protect the deadlines conceived " has ruled.

The Minister of Justice has also justified the preliminary returns to the under 16 and 17 years, " abortion rights accompanied by their parents," so that future reform, " this right becomes an obligation."

When the 2010 law was submitted to Congress, was highly controversial because it included the possibility that the under 16 and 17 could have an abortion without their parents' knowledge. However, during the parliamentary process was amended this aspect. The law passed, and that is in force, provides that children may decide for themselves whether to terminate her pregnancy, but must keep at least one parent or guardian. They are allowed to say nothing claim only if " reasonably " this will cause them " serious conflict manifested or some danger of domestic violence, threats, coercion, abuse, or homelessness or rootlessness occur." This case is, for example, apply when a child has been raped by her own father. Socialist thought GallardÃ_n would modify this look but not completely turn to the law.

After listening to the constitutional bodies minister cited by the Government will make the changes you wish and send the bill to Congress. At the parliamentary level assumes that there will be law before the European elections in May. PP does not want this to be a campaign issue, unlike the PSOE and Plural Left that does include in its agenda.

 Tags: abortion, accuses, debate, GallardÃ_n, left, stop


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