
Gambling Addiction, led to fraud! Sentence to Harsh?

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During extremly serious gambling addiction, i defrauded my partner of £10k via a credit card and a phoney loan, i addmitted all to my partner, and then turned my self into the police, even though she did not wish me to do so. I also lost our house and left myself riddled with debt.

At court I received 120 days suspended for 12 months + 180 hours unpaid work + 12 months supervision order.

My solicitor said the suspended sentence was too harsh and wouldn't have been the decision of a crown court judge,

Any opinions or anyone who could compare it to something similar would be appreciated, or perhaps a judge or magistrate?

I'd also like to add that I am utterly ashamed of what happened and i have now been gamble free for over 12 months, and i have suffered greatly in all this too, so anyone with any smart remarks two fingers in advance!

t any reasonable feedback welcome though thanks!




  1. Sounds like you've rid yourself of the addiction AND you came clean to everyone. Hope you can rebuild your life, but you're obviously an easy target for the courts

    More often than not the law is an a55

  2. Your solicitor was probably just telling you it was harsh, when in reality, it was more lenient than actually jailing you. Lets not forget that you didnt go to jail, and you have to work 180 hours for the 10 grand you defrauded, which works out at about minimum wage. Sounds like you didnt get off too badly.

    Any addiction is harsh, but one that causes innocent people to suffer means that you are choosing to hurt those people. It seems to have done the trick for you, and hopefully you can move forward confident it will never happen again.

  3. Why do you think a suspended sentence is harsh ? Keep out of trouble and your suspended sentence amounts to nothing.

    I feel that you have got off lightly , do you intend to pay back the money you obtained fraudulently ?

    You should get a job, or two jobs and repay what you stole !

  4. i think it was way too harsh, especially for the fact that you turned yourself in and you've gotten help for your problem. i'm glad you're doing good. i am a fellow addict (of everything) also, and i know how hard it is. god bless you.

  5. Hate to say it but I have a gambling addiction. It is the worst thing ever. Why do I torture myself gambling YOU CANT WIN.

    Take care.

  6. 'Defrauded' is just a slightly nicer term for 'stole' - and if you rephrase your question 'Hi, I'm a thief. I stole ten thousand pounds. Is this sentence to harsh?', then I think you'll find the answer's a resounding 'no'.

    If you think it's too much, offer the judge double or nothing :)

  7. My reasonable feedback is that you should've received a jail sentence and I'm ashamed of the legal system that you did not.

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