
Game violence essay?

by  |  earlier

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here is my thesis:

violent games might be interesting and very addictive, but the also do have a lot of negative affects. these games make crime seem very appealing, they mock those who do not use violence,and they are harmful both mentally and emotionally.

i would like for you guys to tell me ether i should add more to this thesis and what do you suggest that i add to the first paragraph?

thank you very much




  1. write how they mock those that do not use violence write more about that

    how they are haemful mentally and emotionally

    how they effect ur eveerydaylife bc  they are so addictive

    what effects make them interresting and what that portrays to players

    hope i helped and made sencse to u !


  2. Do your homework. Don't ask us too.

    Research more and add on.

    (stop spamming other people's questions!)

  3. Actually you have to have some sort of a weak mind to be swayed that much by violent videogames. And maybe you should try playing videogames for a while because i doubt you do.

  4. pros

    violent game is interesting


    lots of fun

    people know between fantasy and reality - eg, when i play a vilence game, i dont go around killing people.


    persuasive affect to be violence

    affect mentally and physically. because emotionally means the same as mentally (LOL).

    metion any media case or statistic, if you can find any.

    i cant help you wiht 1st paragraph because you did not metion what type of text it is. is it discussion, expostion, feature article or letter to editor.?

  5. First of all shame on you for not answering questions but just going into other answerer's to soloist answerer's for your own question

    Second of all how old are you JR High School I hope you are not in College your thesis is weak and not well thought out

    try looking into the Desensitization to voilience that Video Games cause in today's society

    that means that the violent games make killing and hurting other people seem okay

  6. How about Violent Video Games Pacify the violence in our culture. You see by being able to play games like Call of Duty or GTA one can release the violent tendencies we all experience as humans. How bout that. And don't post in other questions so lame

  7. stat facts too

    like statics

    and how crime or criminals are more likely of they play violant video games

    stuff like that

    throw in numbers it look more like u did alot of research when actually u have to do very little

  8. In our society, video mania is a Billion Dollar a year business. Many adults have issues over certain games that condone violence and killing and have a valid reason to be concerned. Some may say that this is harmful and impacts the child's values and thought process.

    Some may say that the child will try and emulate such actions from these video games. On the other hand, Some videos such as The Call for Duty actually teaches a history lesson to the child so that they may learn that killing is not a game however impacts the future of our life's. If parents teach a child what right and wrong is and informs them of reality and values then these children will not be effected by fantasy and role playing.   I would continue however I think you get the picture.

  9. Add some types of violent games like grand thefy auto or call of duty. Be spesific bcuz you'll get a better grade. hopes this helps. by by
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