
Game wont load.Says error logging into server.Shows 0 players in room also????

by  |  earlier

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Have never had a problem loading hearts and have not changed my settings. Played just last night. Is this a problem I am having or is yahoo server down or something?




  1. yahoo games down about 12 hours

  2. Everyone is having trouble today with all of the Yahoo games.  It seems like the server is down.  Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

  3. You have been barred from yahoo games

  4. The server is down today.

  5. Yahoo must be down, it has been saying 0 in lounge for a couple of days but still been able to get in. Now I can't get in on any computer. So I am sure it must be under some kind of maintence.

    I wish it would hurry and finish, I want to play pinocle! Happy Easter.

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