GameStop announces Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, set for November release
Metal Gear Solid fans, who never had the chance to play the two PlayStation Portable titles of the series, have yet another piece of encouraging news. GameStop, one of the largest video game retailers in North America, put up both a release date and a price
point for the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection.
The MGS HD Collection will include three Metal Gear Solid titles, including Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, both of which were PlayStation 2 exclusives during their time. The third title confirmed to be in the collection
is Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, which up till now was a PlayStation Portable exclusive.
All that is set to change with Konami announcing that the collection is set to release both on the PlayStation 3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360. It will be the first time a Metal Gear Solid game will be playable on an Xbox console.
The game has been revamped and will run at an impressive 60 frames per second, in full 1080p of glorious High Definition. The collection was remade using the PlayStation Portable Engine, the technology that is responsible for taking a number of PSP titles
and transforming them into full fledged console-worthy titles. Readers can find out more on the PSP Engine by clicking,-The-PSP-Engine-is-helping-turn-PSP-games-into-PS3-titles-a80142.
There is also another bit of good news as the studio responsible for the HD port, Bluepoint, are the same studio which were responsible for the, well received and highly praised, God of War Collection.
Moving on to details, the MGS HD Collection is set to sell for $49.99 according to the listing on GameStop’s website. While this may seem slightly expensive, it is relatively cheaper to buying the three titles on an individual basis, which would cost an
extra $10.
GameStop also gave gamers a date to mark down on their calendars by announcing the 29th of November as the official release date for the Collection.
There is however, no confirmation of a release date in Europe at this point in time.