
Gamefaqs gamesave help ?

by Guest57542  |  earlier

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can any 1 give me a step by step

instuction on how to convert it in to

no$gba(nds emulator)?




  1. 1. Download the game save to your computer.

    2. Go to

    3. Click on Browse and choose the file you downloaded in step 1.

    4. From the first list, choose Action Replay Max DS.

    5. From the second list, choose No$GBA.

    6. Click on Convert and you'll be able to download the converted file.

    7. Go to the emulator's folder. Enter the "BATTERY" sub-folder.

    8. Cut the file you downloaded in step 6 and paste it on the BATTERY folder.

    9. Go to where you save your ROMs, and look for the game that you downloaded the file for. For example, if your Pokémon Diamond ROM file is "lgc-pkmd.nds", copy "lgc-pkmd".

    10. Go back to the BATTERY folder and rename the file you downloaded in step 6 to the ROM file. In my example, it should be "lgc-pkmd.sav".

    That's it. I hope it works for ya!

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