
Games and Activities for Kid's Fiesta party?

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I'm thinking ahead here to the start of the next school year. I'm planning on having a "fiesta" for all the first graders at my daughter's small school.

Problem is I can't really come up with many themed type of games or activities. So far I've come up with the obvious, the pinata! I've read the following ideas: chili pepper relay(fake of course), pin the tail on the donkey, and a spanish version of red light green light called "rojo, verde".

Some of these sound good but I'd love more ideas for games or activities like crafts or anything you can come up with. There will be about thirty kids and it will most likely be held inside. Thanks!




  1. have them do the mexican hat dance...have them go around the hat with music,when the music stops have them sit in a musical chairs.keep taking away a chair.Kids love that game.Do a small group at a time.

    have them make mini burritos,give them a corn tortilla and have them go down a line to choose thier ingredients.

  2. Chocolate activities

    HAve fun


  3. Here is an article with lots of game ideas--

    It's written for a 4th of July bbq but the games could be used.

    Also be sure to get a pinata! :)

  4. You could get some cheap someberos that's not spelled right, but those hats, and get some stuff and have the children decorate them.

    You can read spanish themed books.

    Have a spanish music time, bring in maraccas and other spanish inspired insturments nad play something.

    that's all i can come up with! sorry it wasn't much help!

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